I have forwarded a uuencoded version of the zipped archive I
obtained with the WordPerfect printer driver to those who responded to my
original interuption. I'll be happy to do the same for anyone else who
asks -- and if that particular packaging doesn't work for someone, let me
know whether uuencoding the two pieces or sending the two pieces as a
MIME attachment is preferable, and I can do that. It is a fairly small
tool, but handy if it works.
Note that whether you are using this tool, or using Word for
Window's 'MS-DOS with Layout' option, a useful addition is to define a
special e-mail footnote format that is [1] (for number in both the text
and the footnote) instead of <superscipt>1 or <boldface>1 or <whatever>1.
[1] is both easier to catch as an footnote in e-mail, and also easier to
search for -- whether this is 'looking up' the foonote with a search
function and 'returning to the text' with a backward search, or getting
the document translated from ASCII text back into a word processor
document format.
Bruce R. McFarling, Newcastle, NSW