Re: A critique of the "founding fathers" / ADDENDA to: wallerstein,

Thu, 6 Jun 1996 09:58:03 -0400 (EDT)
A. Gunder Frank (

AndreI or AndreY MISrepresents my position on WS. For me there is only ONE
relevant one at his time/place and it already covers most of Eurasia,
INCLUDING A's Arabia. There is no single center-periph structure in this
WS,[as indeed my 1400-1800 AD book shows that there still was not only one
in the whole world econ in the early modern period!] Whetehr there was
what kind of center/periph exploitation on this or that regional level is
an EMPIRICAL question to be answered on the evidence, not one of
"theoretical principle". Therefore, i cannot accept A's accusation that
i try to squeeze reality into a pre-defined procrustean bed.
respectfully submitted
gunder frank