Call for Papers

Mon, 3 Jun 1996 08:46:08 -0600 (MDT)

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Comments by: Greg Ehrig@USOTP@TA

-------------------------- [Original Message] -------------------------
Call for Papers on "Equality and Inequality in Information Societies"

A Special Issue of *Social Science Computer Review* (1998 volume)

Manuscript Submission Deadline: September 1, 1997

Social Science Computer Review invites submissions for a special thematic
issue on "Equality and Inequality in Information Societies." Contributions
are welcome from a broad range of disciplinary, theoretical, and
research-methodological perspectives, addressing domestic and/or
cross-national dimensions of stratification such as class, education,
ethnicity, gender, income, race, politics, and status. Papers that combine
empirical, theoretical, and/or policy analysis are especially welcome, as
are historical and/or contemporary comparative analyses. Authors are
encouraged to contact the editor before submitting formal manuscripts.
Manuscripts should be 25-35 double-spaced pages, with footnotes,
references, tables, and charts on separate pages, and should follow the
journal's current style. An abstract of no more than 250 words, and a brief
biographical paragraph, should accompany the manuscript. Deadline for
manuscript submission: September 1, 1997. Send 3 copies to Mark A. Shields,
Division of Technology, Culture, and Communication, School of Engineering
and Applied Science, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22903,
(804) 924-3234, Fax (804) 924-4306; E-mail, SSCR is a
quarterly journal of Sage Publications devoted to social science research
and applications in computing and information technology. For more
information about the journal, including style guide and contents of recent
issues, see SSCR's Web site:

Mark A. Shields
Division of Technology, Culture, and Communication
Thornton Hall/SEAS
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA 22903
Phone: (804) 924-3234 Fax: (804) 924-4306