re:re:human nature

Mon, 13 May 96 11:04:08 EDT

> Of course, many on wsn are professional sociologists.

I was aware of that. Nevertheless......By its fruit the tree is known.

(My apologies to those sociologists who confirm my prejudices...:=> )

Let me put this in a more reasoned way: I am a practicing
economist, but I do not claim that by virtue of this fact, my theories
are what *must* be true-- or that it should add one iota to my
argument. If I cannot express my ideas and beliefs to a larger
audience of non-economists, then I am not a professional -- just a
technician, or, worse yet, a religious fanatic of the cult called
'economist'. If I were one of these, I might be tempted to fill my
posts with my own profession's technical jargon in an attempt to
show that, since I know all of these obscure words, each of which
hints at a mysterious and arcane concept, I must know something
about what I am talking about.

---Food for thought,