On Thu, 9 May 1996, Richard K. Moore wrote:
> Some "mystics" can cognitively control bodily functions, but I
> think we'd agree "human nature" includes nonetheless a normal heartbeat,
> body temperature, and breathing rate. Similarly man can be coerced into
> abandoning community and pursuing narrow individualist self-interest -- but
> that doesn't make it healthy to his phsychological nature, nor does it
> prove no such nature exists.
Chickens have a normal heartbeat, body temperature, and breathing rate.
Chickens are not humans. You want to so naturalize ideology that you are
calling a basic function of animal life "human nature." At this point the
dialogue has passed reason.
This may not suit your political agenda, but it's the way things are.
Have they always been this way? Will they always be this way? Are we
right now where no generation has ever been before us: at the TRUTH? Is
this the end of history? Can we stop learning or thinking now and just
relax because we have solved all the mysteries of the universe? "it's the
way things are." What a ridiculous assertion.