5/07/96, chris chase-dunn wrote [to WORLD SYSTEMS NETWORK]:
> The international segment of the world capitalist class is indeed moving
>slowly toward global state formation. Rather than oppose this move
>progressives should make every effort to organized social and political
>globalization, and to democratize the emerging global state. We need to
>prevent the normal operation of the interstate system and future hegemonic
>rivalry from causing a future war among core powers. And we need to
>transform the emerging world society into a global democratic commonwealth
>based on collective rationality, liberty and equality.
This is a recipe for disaster, and is a position we see inreasingly
espoused by pro- New-World-Order apologists, avowed or otherwise. It's
cloaked in progressive rhetoric in an attempt to seduce progressives away
from agendas which have some hope of countering the elite corporate global
The NWO is _not_ about trade -- corporations already enjoy plenty
of capital portability and access to markets -- the NWO is at heart a
_political_ initiative, aimed at overturning national sovereignty and
undoing the beneficial remnants of the Enlightenment.
Abandoning the nation state is exactly what the elite hopes
progressives will do, that's what the demonize-and-bankrupt-government
campaign is all about, together with all the laissez-fair propaganda about
"free markets" and privatization.
Nation-states are the only "people's fortress" that has any hope
whatsoever of standing against the corporate onslaught. The spectre of
warfare is raised (notably by Kohl) as a shallow attempt to scare people
into the anti-sovereignty camp -- this spectre is patently ridiculous: the
U.S. holds and will retain absolute global military hegemony, and its use
of that power will not be constrained by this or that international
arrangement. Not only does the global-level dilute progressive influence
to the maximum possible degree, but the globalist regime is being
specifically engineered (WTO, GATT, et al) to omit all the
Enlightenment-generated mechanisms of popular representation, balance of
powers, etc.
> To do this we need to construct a new philosophy of democratic and
>egalitarian liberation.
Untrue and deceptive. Existing western philosophies of democracy
and egalitarianism are perfectly adequate -- it is their corruption by
corporate money that is the problem. Submitting to the corporate globalist
agenda, and pursuing some new utopian egalitarian vision, is absolutely the
wrong path to preserve or enhance democracy.
Respectfully yours,
Richard Moore
Posted by Richard K. Moore - rkmoore@iol.ie - Wexford, Ireland
Cyberlib: www | ftp --> ftp://ftp.iol.ie/users/rkmoore/cyberlib