re: prosperity indices

Sat, 4 May 1996 18:55:30 +0100 (BST)
Richard K. Moore (

All these numbers seem to be dancing on heads of pins.

What I'd like to see are two measures: one of how well people are
doing, and one of how well corporations are doing.

For people, I want quite different things that what we've been
talking about. I'd want to know average hours per year spent working, how
many family members work, how many years of education occur on average, how
earnings compare to living costs, medical costs, transportation costs --
and other things of that nature. A single number is unlikely to suffice,
but two or three summary-numbers might do per country.

For corporations, I imagine the existing measures probably provide
the appropriate information.

Then it might be interesting to compare the relationship between
the the two measures in different countries... and ask questions like:
Where are do people seem to be favored, and where corporations, relatively
