FYI: Jack Owens, Idaho State Univ. <>
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Date: Thu, 2 May 1996 08:50:48 -0400
Reply-to: World-L - Forum on non-Eurocentric world history
Date: Wed, 1 May 1996 17:23:57 -0400
From: "Alan M. Taylor" <>
Subject: GC: EHA Meetings 1996: "Comparative History" (x-EH.NEWS)
================= GLOBAL.CHANGE POSTING =================
From: Martha L. Olney <molney@econ.Berkeley.EDU>
The 1996 Economic History Association meetings will be held
September 6 - 8, 1996 at the Claremont Resort and Spa in the
Berkeley/Oakland Hills of California. The theme for this year's
program is "Comparative History." A preliminary program will be
printed in the June 1996 issue of the _Journal of Economic
History_. (A preliminary/preliminary version is included below.)
Registration materials will be sent to EHA members in early June. If you
are not a member of the EHA and would like to receive registration
materials, please send an e-mail to Ms. Mary King, EHA Admin. Ass't, Include your name and snail mail address.
Again this year, there will be substantial discounts for graduate
students. All faculty are encouraged to inform their graduate
students of these offers!! Graduate students receive a 50 percent
discount on the registration fee, a free one-year subscription to
the Journal of Economic History, discounted hotel rates, and a 75
percent discount on group meals. And special gatherings for
graduate students are in the works!
Faculty! To help pay for all these graduate student subsidies, we
will be offering you the option to "Treat a graduate student to
lunch" or "Treat a graduate student to dinner." Please plan now to
include a little extra in your registration check. Your donations
are fully tax deductible.
For further information, please contact Meetings Coordinator Martha
Olney, EHA Annual Meetings Office, 190 El Cerrito Plaza #370, El
Cerrito, CA 94530. E-mail: Fax: 510-
Further announcements regarding the 1996 EHA meetings will be posted
to the list "EHA". If you are interested in attending the 1996
meetings, we encourage you to subscribe to this new list. To
subscribe, send an e-mail to:
Leave the "subject" heading blank. In the text of the message, write only
the following:
subscribe EHA <first-name last-name institution>
Preliminary program:
Questions or comments to Avner Greif (
Plenary Session: Comparative Studies of Economic Growth
Paul David:
Real Income and Economic Welfare Growth in the Early
Republic. Or Another Try At Getting the American Story
Stanley L. Engerman and Kenneth Sokoloff:
Factor Endowments, Institutions, and Differential Paths of
Growth Among New World Economies: A View from Economic
Historians of the United State.
Barry Eichengreen:
Postwar Europe's Growth: A Comparative Institutional
A Precocious Infant: The Market in Medieval England
Clark, Greg
The Surprisingly Complete Grain Markets of Medieval England
Galloway, Jim
Market Networks in the London Region c. 1400
Campbell, Bruce
The Changing Composition of English Agricultural production
in the Century of the Black Death
The Politics and Economics of Competition: Some Historical and
International Comparisons.
Davis, Lance & Gallman, Robert
The Politics of International Capital Flows: Canada,
Argentina & US
Lipartito, Kenneth
Regulating Competition in Telecommunications Industry: US &
UK 1890-1920
Yeager, Mary
Cultures of Protection: Divergent Development Paths in
Mexican & Brazilian Steel Industries
Pushing and Pulling: the Process of Migration
Fleicaino, Zadia M.
Mexican Immigrants to the United States: Evidence on
Selection and Economic Performance from 1910-1990
Hutchinson, Bill
Patterns of Trade and Immigration in the Nineteenth Century
U.S.: Comparisons with Recent Experience
Wegge, Simone
To Part or not to Part: Emigration and Inheritance
Institutions in 19th Century Hesse-Cassel
Nurturing the Business: Financial Systems and Economic
Feldman, Gerald
Hugo Stinnes and His Bankers, 1895-14.
Haber, Stephen
The Efficiency Consequences of Institutional Change: Capital
market Regulation and Industrial Productivity Growth in
Brazil, 1866-1934
Hanley, Anne
Financial Institutions and Economic Change: The Sao Paulo
Bolsa, 1886-1914
Organization, Technology, and Production
Krozner, Randall
Evolution of Corporate Ownership and Governance since the
Great Depression
Raff, Daniel
What Actually Happened at Highland Park? Micro-Economic
History and the Coming of Mass Production
Thomson, Ross
The Internationalization of Technology, 1874-1929: Evidence
from U.S., British, and German Patent Experience
Violence, and the Fruits of the Land
Clay, Karen
Land Tenure Arrangements in Post Gold Rush California:
Patterns of Conflict and Cooperation
Alston, Lee and Liebcap, Gary
Violence Over Claims to Land: Analysis and Comparisons
Between the 20th Century Brazilian Amazon and the 19th
Century West
Wishart, David
Comparing Cherokee and White Agriculture in the Southeastern
Upcountry Circa 1840: Are There Lessons for Today's
Developing Indigenous Communities?
Financing and Distributing
Finn, Margot C.
The Cultural Construction of Cash: Credit and Ready Money in
English Consumer Relations
Potter, Mark
Lending Clienteles and the Institutions of Public Finance in
Early Modern France
Field, Alexander
The Relative Productivity of American Distribution,
Labor Markets During the Industrialization Process
Boyer, George R.
The Influence of London on Labor Markets in Southern England
Brown, John
Job Tenure and Employment Structure During High
Industrialization: The Case of Germany Before WWI
Burnette, Joyce
Employment Patterns of Agricultural Day-Laborers near
Sheffield: Gender Differences and Changes Over Time, 1772-5
and 1831-45
Growth, and Well Being in North America
Egnal, Marc
Long Swings in Growth in Colonial North America: A
Comparison of Development in the Thirteen Colonies and
Costa, Dora L.
Rising Equality: The Health of the American Population,
Bernstein, Michael A.
Economic Instability in the United States: A Comparison of
the 1930s and the 1970s
Government's Policy , Adjustment, and Growth
Fishback, Price & Kantor, Shawn
The Effects of New Deal Expenditures on Local Economic
LaCroix, Sumner
Convergence in China During the Maoist and Reform Regimes
Grant, Jonathan
Private Enterprise and the State in Russia: A Comparative
Study of the Putilov Company (1868-1917) and the Kirov Works
Martha L. Olney
Economics Department, UC Berkeley
Alan M. Taylor
Office: Home:
Department of Economics 928 Judson Avenue, Apt. 1
Northwestern University Evanston, IL 60202-1861
2003 Sheridan Road tel:847-475-9635
Evanston, IL 60208-2600
tel:847-491-8234 fax:847-491-7001