WELCOME TO DAII, Data Archive of Interregional Interactions. This is a
recently established world-wide and interdisciplinary archive which
contains data sets and other information relevant to the topic of
interregional interactions.
GOALS: to accumulate, preserve and facilitate the exchange of raw data
important for research, education, and public programming in the humanities.
FORM OF DATA: no restrictions. The Archive is designed as a complementary
forum to World-Systems Electronic Archive. This new archive will not
impose any restrictions on the form of data. The records may encompass
paper questionnaires, coding sheets, newspapers, maps, as well as
information on machine readable diskettes and objects of material
culture. Both printed and handwritten versions will be accepted.
*Population * The Policy * Social Stratification * Legal Apparatus *
Commerce * Crafts and Technology * Religion * Settlement Pattern *
Subsistence * Cognitive Variables * Warfare * etc.
ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE: The Archive is headed by a Committee composed
of scholars from Johns Hopkins University as well as outsiders. We tried
to balance the representation by geographical areas as well as by... gender.
This is a tentative list of Committee members (in alphabetical order):
Elena Ermolaeva (Sociology, Johns Hopkins U.)
Patricia Fernandez-Kelly (Institute for Policy Studies, Johns Hopkins U.)
William Haller (Sociology, U. of Pittsburgh)
Michael Howard (Sociology/Anthropology, Simon Frazer U., Canada)
Nina Rostegaeva (Institute of Sociology, Moscow, Russia)
Slava Shipilov (Institute of Sociology, Moscow, Russia)
* Interregional interactions in pre-contact (1779) Hawaii
(politico-military events, intermarriages, information exchange, data on
rise and fall) (Elena Ermolaeva)
* Updated version of Muller and Bornschier's "Comparative World Data"
with added observations for some of the variables up to 1985 (William Haller)
* Maquiladoras in Ciudad Juarez Mexico. The set is formed by
approximately 400 interviews with women working in maquiladoras.
Questions asked focused on demographic characteristics, migratory
background, family composition and income distribution (Patricia
* Interviews with Immigrant Children and Families in Miami. Set of 50
interviews conducted between 1993 and 1995 focuses on economic adjustment
and ethnic identity (Patricia Fernandez-Kelly)
* Greater Homewood: A Blueprint for Community Action. Raw statistical and
demographic data encompassing 23 census tracts in the City of Baltimore.
Research conducted during 1995 (Patricia Fernandez-Kelly)
* Over 530 data sets conducted by scholars of the Institute of Sociology,
Russian Academy of Sciences
The list of acquisitions will be updated and listed on e-mail networks,
including WSN and IPE networks. For more information about accommodation
of your data, or for obtaining copies of Achive Acquisitions, or on other
matters, please contact elena@jhu.edu