world system events at ISA

Fri, 5 Apr 1996 22:07:39 -0500 (EST)
Robert Denemark (denemark@UDel.Edu)

The annual meeting of the International Studies Association will take
place in San Diego, April l6-20. For those who will attend, the world
historical systems sub-section will be sponsoring a number of events.

Wednesday Panel C-24

Roundtable: World Development and World History: On Andre Gunder Frank

Chair: Sing Chew
Humboldt State

Papers: "Asia in the World System"
George Asiniero
United Nations University

"The Construction of Frank Justice Rather Than Frankenstein
Pat Lauderdale
Arizona State University

"Geography Sees A Single World"
Phil Wagner
Simon Fraser University

"Let's Be Frank About World History"
Albert Bergesen
University of Arizona

Response: Andre Gunder Frank

***** Thursday Panel A-25 *****

Civilizations and World Politics

This is the third annual panel focusing on a body of work by a
single author.

Chair: Sandra Halperin
University of Pittsburgh

Paper: "Civilizations and World Politics"
David Wilkinson

Discussants: Elena Ermolaeva
Johns Hopkins University

Kajsa Ekholm
University of Lund

Robert A. Denemark
University of Delaware

Chris Chase-Dunn
Johns Hopkins University

***** Thursday Panel B - 25 *****

Pulsations in World Historical Development

Chair: Barry K. Gills
University of Newcastle upon Tyne

Papers: "Capital and Power in the Process of World Historical
Development: A Perennial Political Economy"
Barry K. Gills
University of Newcastle upon Tyne

"Pulsations in the World System"
George Modelski
University of Washington


William Thompson
Indiana Univeristy

"The Social Structuring of Decline"
Jonathan Friedman
University of Lund


Kajsa Ekholm
University of Lund

"Pulsation, Hegemonic Shift, or Crisis: Re-Assessing the 'Rise
of the West' from a World ystem Perspective"
Andre Gunder Frank
University of Amsterdam

"The Comparative Study of Pulsations in Different Kinds of
Chris Chase-Dunn
Johns Hopkins University


Tom Hall
DePauw University

Discussant: Robert A. Denemark
University of Delaware

**** Thursday C - 25 ****

Greening World System Theory

Chair: Albert Bergesen
University of Arizona

Papers: "Oscillations in Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Long Swings of
Production in the World Economy, l790-l990."
Peter Grimes
Johns Hopkins University

"Population, Long Economic Waves, Deforestation, and World History"
Sing Chew
Humboldt State University

"Toxic Waste Emissions in the International Stytem: A
Cross-National Analysis"
Albert Bergesen
University of Arizona

"Environmental Disputes and the International Context"
Calvin Morrill
University of Arizona

***** WHS Business Meeting: Friday l2:l5, Dover Room. *****


Agenda: l. Next Year's Panels
2. Publication Plans for Volume of Papers Presented at WHS
conference in Lund, Sweden
3. Planning for Next WHS Conference