Richard Moore (initiator of discussion on wake-up call,etc) distributed in
PHILOFHI his rather long essay. I attach below only his preface and a final
piece. I think he will be glad to send full text for each personal
request. Please, if somebody has access, forward this info to Progressive
Socilogists Network. They also might be interested.
Date: Wed, 06 Mar 1996 00:18:38 +0000
From: "Richard K. Moore" <rkmoore@IOL.IE>
Subject: A Progressive Strategy: RADICAL CONSERVTISM
The following essay was written in response to the thread "re: A wake-up
call to libertarians". Andrew Austin and Nikolai Rozov brought up the
question of a "world worker revolution", and asked whether "breaking up of
old ground" is a necessary first step to "planting a new garden".
"Breaking up the ground" is only one model of radical change -- as
seen in the French & Russian Revolutions. Britain, on the other hand,
achieved its republicanization on an incremental basis, and the USA simply
severed itself from the parent, and then consolidated its
already-republican colonial self-governance systems.
Which transformative model makes the most sense in our _current_
circumstances, if genuinely populist democracy is to be attained?
<the end>
Our palace of democracy is occupied by the enemy, and deferred
maintenance has it in a shambles, but it's the only palace on offer, the
only one where we are chartered as masters instead of serfs. In the new
utiopia the people have no palace, the Earth is enshrouded in a PRIVATE
PROPERTY sign, and citizenship is devolved to a credit rating.
The true "worker revolution" is to storm the palace of democracy,
expel the corporate influence-peddling interlopers, refurbish it, and open
it for business under a new progressive management. Above all we do not
want the palace to be dismantled -- which is exactly what government
downsizing, privatization, globalization, and deregulation-frenzy are
endeavoring to accomplish.
Richard K. Moore
Wexford Ireland <-- (Please copy directly on any replies.)
5 March 96
Nikolai S. Rozov
Professor of Philosophy
Moderator of the mailing list PHILOFHI
(PHILosophy OF HIstory and theoretical history)
Dept. of Philosophy
Novosibirsk State University Fax.: (3832) 355237
630090, Novosibirsk E-mail:
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