RE: Comp. Civs Rev. / ISCSC

Wed, 21 Feb 96 12:35:00 PST
Wilkinson, David POLI SCI (

Mohammed A. Bamyeh has written me asking for further information on the
International Society for the Comparative Study of Civilizations; again I am
cc'ing WSN on the assumption that others may be interested.

ISCSC was founded in the 1960's in Europe, involving Toynbee and Sorokin;
recentered in the US in the 1970's; now displaying some degree of both "core
shift" and "globalization. Its President is Prof. Shuntaro Ito, Center for
the Comparative Study of Civilizations, Reitaku University, Hikarigaoka,
Kashiwa-shi, Chiba-ken 277, Japan. Dues $25 (less for students) to
Treasurer, Midori Yamanouchi Rynn, Sociology, University of Scranton,
Scranton PA 18510-4605. Dues include subscription to Comparative
Civilizations Review (2 issues per year) and ISCSC newsletter. Annual
scholarly meetings: this year, Pomona (simultaneous with World History
Association), June 20-23. Many and varied topics: Program Chair is Michael
Andregg, 1976 Field Ave,. St. Paul MN 55116. "Civilizationists" are not a
subdivision of any standard departmental structure I know of: academics
appear from Sociology, History, Philosophy, Comparative Literature,
Geography, Political Science, and elsewhere; non-academic members also
numerous, even less classifiable except by interest in human phenomena which
tend to be long-duration and large-scale. No web site yet, alas.

David Wilkinson