What I've found on women & WST, thall

Tue, 09 Jan 1996 10:31:37 -0500 (EST)

A quick note about my request about women/gender & wst posted a couple of
days ago. What I had in mind was something like Chase-Dunn & Grimes recent
Chase-Dunn, Christopher and Peter Grimes. 1995. "World-Systems Analysis."
Annual Review of Sociology 21:387-417.

It seems no such thing exists. There is, IMHO, a strong need for such.
There is a tremendous amount of work going on--some explicitly using WST,
much more that makes similar arguments without citing/using wst. I was
hoping someone had seen/ or written a summary / review essay of recent
work. Thus, while there is a lot on the topic, I've not found any that
addresses WST directly and full as well as Ward's paper.

The best I've seen is Kathryn Ward's 1993 essay--and since a number of
people have emailed me for the reference here it is:

Ward, Kathryn. 1993. "Reconceptualizing World-system Theory to Include
Women." Pp. 43-68 in Paula England (ed.) Theory on Gender/ Feminism on
Theory, New York: Aldine.

Also useful is:
Wallerstein, Immanuel. 1991. "The Construction of Peoplehood: Racism,
Nationalism, Ethnicity." Pp. 71-85 in Race, Nation, Class: Ambiguous
Identities, edited by Etieene Balibar & Immanuel Wallerstein. London:

I have proceeded with my immediate project, thanks to all who responded.
But I remain interested and would like other references. I'm still hoping
I'm wrong, and that there is a summary/review essay that I've somehow

tom hall