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US Political Failure in Iraq
by KenRichard2002
16 January 2004 15:09 UTC
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       I believe the United State's principle intent with regards to establishing Iraqi representatives through local caucus was to create a ward system in which these same local leaders would be held accountable for any violent acts commited against US troops and allies.  In other words,  the Bush administrations plan had much more to do with the establishment of a colonial administration with local chiefs acting as mediators between their people and the foreign overlords.

       Fortunately,  it doesn't look like the plan isn't going to transpire.  We promised the Arab world a democracy and it looks like they are holding us to it.  The below article demonstrates the extent to which the US and Israel felt they controlled the reigns of Iraq's economy.

Click here: US Checking Possibility of Pumping Oil from Northern Iraq to Israel
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