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global apartheid intensified
by Gernot Koehler
25 July 2003 17:01 UTC
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An observation emerging from the recent discussion. - The notion of a Third
World War in Professor Frank's sense (double meaning of world war No. 3 and
war against the third world) is compatible with the notion of global
apartheid. The current global war for and against terror is mostly along the
major fault line of global apartheid. In 2003 global apartheid shows two
more apartheid features that were less visible ten years ago. In that regard
one can claim that global apartheid is more intense in 2003 than it was ten
years earlier. The two elements are (a) theological - a fundamentalist
Christian theology in the leading state is used to justify policies that
intensify global apartheid, in addition to the Huntington doctrine; (b)
military - in 2003 NATO was enlarged to include nearly all of Europe, except
Russia, and the military doctrine of NATO is now changed to provide
anti-terror interventions by NATO (not only by USA) anywhere in the world,
which effectively means intervention by the White Wealthy West in the
non-White non-Wealthy non-West (also known as Third World).

[disclaimer: the expressions "white" and "non-white" are used to describe
political perceptions (politically constructed images), while denying
the existence of biologically defined races.]

Parallel, in South African apartheid (a) a conservative Christian theology
was used to legitimize the system, (b) overt and covert military or police
or SS (security services) interventions were used to keep the unruly
majority under control and to intimidate white supporters of democracy for


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