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Re: How To Stop America (from ZNet) (fwd)
by Gernot Koehler
12 June 2003 08:05 UTC
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Re: How To Stop America (from ZNet) (fwd)
by Boris Stremlin 09 June 2003

"Monbiot mentions that the interests of the founders ought always to be
kept in mind. Given the sort of body he outlines, it would not stretch
the imagination to see a revitalized EU as the driving force behind it."
[sc. Monbiot's proposed reformed UN system]

For your information -

the topic of global governance is discussed by three world-system authors in
our book "Globalization: Critical Perspectives" (Köhler/Chaves, eds.). For
Europe as a potential leader (or not), see, especially, Arno Tausch's "14
hypotheses" chapter.

Attachment: leaflet describing the book

Attachment: e-leaflet v1c_Kohler-Chaves Globalization.doc
Description: MS-Word document

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