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New Article
by wwagar
20 May 2003 19:59 UTC
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        Dr. Robinson Rojas, Director of the Project for a First People's
Century, has just posted on his website a new article of mine, written
especially for his site in response to the recent exchange of views
on WSN about the Motivation and Declaration of Principles drafted for the
Project.  Entitled "Strategies of Transition to a People's Millennium," it
runs to just over 6,000 words and contains a fairly detailed sketch of how
humankind might manage the transition from the modern world-system to a
new global democracy.  It is grounded in world-systems analysis, with
particular reference to Terry Boswell and Christopher Chase-Dunn's THE

        You may access the article, and many others, including posts by
Samir Amin, Andre Gunder Frank, Immanuel Wallerstein, and James Petras,


Just click on "Project for a First People's Century."  Or you may access
the Project directly at:


        While you are there, I hope that more members of WSN will consider
adding their signatures to the draft "Motivation and Declaration of
Principles" already posted and discussed on our network.  I have some
problems with it, as you know, and as I elaborate in my new article, but I
signed it, and I urge you to think about doing the same.  I continue to
believe that world-systems scholars are uniquely positioned not only to
illuminate the human past but also to help shape the human future.

        So far almost all the signatories to the Declaration are based
outside the United States, so it would be especially appreciated if more
Americans lent their support to this Project.



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