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Re: Utopistics and Democratic Global Commonwealth
by g kohler
17 March 2003 22:14 UTC
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----- Original Message -----
From: "Bruce McFarling" <Bruce.McFarling@newcastle.edu.au>
. . .

> (1) A commitment to sustainable development at any level ... local,
> regional, national, international, global ... requires the right to refuse
> to participate in any production process as a consumer based on the
> secondary impacts of that production process.
> Placing trade expansion at a higher level of emphasis than viability of
> current societies and much of their population has resulted in a loss
> of this right under the WTO system.  In some way or form, the
> utopian democratic global commonwealth would overturn this.
> Under the principle of subsidiarity, one could foresee a system
> where any nation or grouping of nations has the right by default,
. . .

Opting out of an unsustainable world economy - I find it fascinating that
the government of Iceland is already planning to take the entire country
100% out of the petroleum economy, planning to use hydro and geothermal
energy for its energy needs, including in transportation . . . in a way, it
is self-reliance at a high technological level, rather than the ujamah-type


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