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Bibliography on Global Keynesianism
by g kohler
22 December 2002 05:07 UTC
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To whom it may concern, I am attaching -

SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY on global Keynesianism
by Gernot Köhler, December 2002

 - includes books, articles, and occasional references in which the
expressions "global Keynesianism", "international Keynesianism", or similar
are explicitly used.

1930 - 1979

Keynes, J.M. (1931), testifying before a MacMillan committe (Britain)

Quote: "It is not easy to see how we can expect a revival in our foreign
trade ... by any other means than through revival of world demand. To meet
the immediate problems, arising out of the world slump, a policy intended to
direct increased purchasing power into the right channels, both at home and
abroad, ... would ... be much wiser ... than a policy of trying to cut our
costs faster than the rest of the world can cut theirs." (quoted from
Moggridge, Donald (ed.) (1981) The Collected Writings of John Maynard
Keynes. London, UK: MacMillan Press. Volume XX (1981) , p.291)
[expression "global Keynesianism" not used]

1980 - 1989

Hoogvelt, Ankie M.M. (1982) The Third World in Global Development. London,
UK: MacMillan.
Quote p.142: "As the decade wore on and the recession deepened, the
arguments on favour of this international Keynesianism became more candid.
The Brandt Report is a good example."

Dauderstaedt, M. and A.Pfaller (editors) (1983) Unfaehig zum Ueberleben?
Reaktionen auf den Brandt-Report. Frankfurt, Germany: Ullstein Verlag

Frank, Andre Gunder (1983) in Dauderstaedt / Pfaller (1983), op. cit.
Quote (p. 278) "Es gibt aber keinerlei objective Hinweise dafuer . . ., dass
der internationale Keynesianismus jetzt in irgendeiner Weise passender oder
wirkungsvoller waere als der nationale." (transl. But there are no objective
reasons to believe . that the international Keynesianism would be in any way
more suitable or effective than the national one.)

Piore, Michael J., and  C.F. Sabel (1984) The Second Industrial Divide. New
York, USA: Basic Books.
Quote p. 252, in section on "Multinational Keynesianism": "The first of the
two potential strategies of recovery requires the construction of an
international economic order based on the extension of Keynesian

Elsenhans, Hartmut (1985) "Eine neue Entwicklungspolitik als Kernstueck
einer keynesianischen Wiederbelebung der Weltwirtschaft," in:
Vierteljahresberichte (Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Germany), No. 101,
September 1985, p. 215-230
(translation of title: A new development policy as the centerpiece of a
Keynesian resuscitation of the world economy)

Corden, W.M. (1987) "How Valid is International Keynesianism?" International
Monetary Fund, Research Department: IMF Working Paper WP/87/56

Branfman, Fred (1989) "Rebuilding America. An Interview with Fred Branfman,"
online at:
            Quote: "And fourth, and in many ways most important, we want
global Keynesianism and co-development on an international level."

Mead, W.R. (1989) "American Economic Policy in the Antemillenial Era," World
Policy Journal (USA), vol. 6, no. 3 (Summer 1989), p. 385-468
            Quote p 427: "The new system proposed here can be best described
as multilateral global Keynesianism."

1990 - 1999

Harris, J.M. (1991) "Global Institutions and Ecological Crisis," World
Development, 19 (1), Jan. 1991 (Special Issue), 111-122
            Quote: "The concepts of growth management and sustainable
development have emerged as responses to the global environmental crisis.
For these to be successful, the future world economic system must be based
on a kind of global ecological Keynesianism, with a significant social
direction of capital flows, demand management and technological choices."

Mead, Walter R. (1994) "Altered States", American Prospect (USA), Volume 5,
Issue 16  ( December 1, 1994). Online at:
            Quote: "Global Keynesianism attempts to adapt the Keynesian
vision to new conditions and to develop prescriptions from a Keynesian
standpoint that can accelerate economic growth and development in the
emerging economy. As such it confronts three problems: the problem of scale,
the problem of demand, and the problem of change."

Galbraith, J.K. (1995) "Global Keynesianism in the Wings," World Policy
Journal (USA). Also online at:

PKT discussion (probably 1995) - discussion on global Keynesianism at the
internet forumm "Post Keynesian Thought" online at: //csf.colorado.edu

Paul, James (1996) "Global Keynesianism for a New Era", article at the web
site of Global Policy Forum (USA). Online at:
            Quote: "UN agencies and funds face intense pressures to cut back
and to adopt neoliberal policies . . . or be closed down. WHO, UNICEF and
ILO, three bastions of Global Keynesianism, announced new policies of
"cooperation" with the World Bank in 1995."

Galbraith, J.K. (1996) "James K. Galbraith on Global Keynesianism", Jobs
Letter (New Zealand). Online at:
            Quote: "The term "global Keynesianism" means only some system -
a mechanism that has not yet been worked out - for managing interdependence
to achieve high economic growth and employment, a common rising standard of
living, and a minimum of financial instabilities attendant to higher

Mosley, Paul (1997) "The World Bank, 'global Keynesianism' and the
distribution of the gains from growth", In: World development : the
multi-disciplinary international journal devoted to the study and promotion
of world development. - Bd. 25 (1997), H. 11, pages 1949-1956

Amin, Samir (1997) Capitalism in the Age of Globalization. London, England:
Zed Books
            Quote p 40-42: "The most radical proposals call for a return to
Keynesianism, this time on a world scale . . . this is a very fine project .
. . Yet it must be recognized that reforms of this scope clash with the
interests of dominant capital"

Köhler, Gernot (1999) 'Global Keynesianism and Beyond', Journal of
World-Systems Research, 5: 225-241,
online at:

2000 - 2002

Elsenhans, Hartmut (2000)  "Worldwide Keynesianism in an Era of
Globalization", paper, presented at the Post Keynesian Workshop, Knoxville
(USA), June 2000

Santiago-Valles, Kelvin (2001) " Reconceptualizing Racially-Depreciated
Labor within the Current Phase of Globalization: The Puerto Rican 'Case' ",
Paper, prepared for the meeting of PEWS (Political Economy of World Systems)
section of the ASA (American Sociology Association). Abstract online at:
            Quote: "This paper examines how the current process of economic
restructuring drastically reorganized declining light-industries in global
cities like New York, creating regional-capitalist command centers like San
Juan, within the context of the long-term slump in the world-systemic cycle
of accumulation from the 1970s to the 1990s (i.e., the decline of Global
Keynesianism and the rise of Global Neoliberalism)."

Köhler, G. and A. Tausch (2002) Global Keynesianism: Unequal Exchange and
Global Exploitation. Huntington, USA: Nova Science.

Riesz, Paul (2002) "Global Keynesianism", memorandum, online at
(Note -- when in Fairtradelist, click on month 2002 / 11 and look for entry
"Global Keynesianism", which gives links for 2 documents by Riesz on the

Köhler, Gernot (2002)  "European Unemployment as a World-System Problem",
in: Ryszard Stemplowski (ed.), The European Union in the World System
Perspective. Warsaw, Poland: The Polish Institute of International Affairs,
Polish version in Polski Przeglad Dyplomatyczny, Dwumiesiecznik Tom 2, Nr 5
(9) - 2002,
www.pism.pl, pages 27-40
Russian version online at:


Advert: Read/buy G. Köhler and E.J. Chaves (eds), Globalization: Critical
Perspectives (2003) with contributions by: Amin, Wallerstein, Chase-Dunn,
Kiljunen, Tausch, Bond, Haritatos, Frank, Gantman, Ross, Ünay, Hanappi,
Hanappi-Egger, Chaves, Köhler (see amazon.com)

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