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Re: questions for discussion
by Carl Nordlund
27 September 2002 01:39 UTC
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A thought on question #3 re UN as a credible international organisation and
Bush's Iraq-plans:

If USA goes to war on Iraq without a green light from the SecCouncil, that
would of course be a flagrant crime against international law. How will the
International Criminal Court (ICC) and the nations which have ratified it
react the next time Bush, or even Blair, comes for a visit to one of those
countries? Charge him and put him for trial, waiting for em marines to come
rescue him? He should be, especially as the extra-territorial aspect of an
US invasion on Iraq is, imho, judicially more serious than doing bad things
within one's own national borders (Pinochet, Milosevic et al).

But of course he won't be charged - ridiculous! - which definitely will
undermine the credibility of the ICC, the latest international invention.


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