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Empire after 9/11?
by Khaldoun Samman
07 July 2002 18:55 UTC
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Has Hardt/Negri followed up on their argument of Empire to include the US response to 9/11?  If so, where can I get it?

Questions I am trying to come to terms with:

Does the response of the US in anyway undermine their argument of Empire or does it support it? 

Is the US response more in tune with the continual destruction of modernity (ie modern soveriegnty/imperialism/dialects/difference/public vs private spaces, in short Empire) or is it boomeranging back to its pre-postcolonial modernity where imperialism in its old guise has reappeared?

Maybe my struggle with these questions is due partly to their analysis?

I'm not ready to take sides on whether their analysis is correct or not until I see how they deal with these and similar kinds of questions.

If people don't mind I'd like to reopen the discussion of the book again.

Khaldoun Samman


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