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passing on of an appeal
by Tausch, Arno
15 April 2002 06:39 UTC
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Friends - I just received this -
kind regards

arno tausch (as always on the WSN, strictly my own private opinion)

Gila Svirsky <gsvirsky@n... <mailto:gsvirsky@n...> >
Reply to :      oiap-owner@yahoogroups.com
Date :  Tue, 09 Apr 2002 19:01:05 +0200
To:     Gila Svirsky <gsvirsky@n... <mailto:gsvirsky@n...> >
Subect :        IOPA After the Outrage and Tears

I just returned to Israel from 2 weeks abroad, and took 2 more days to get a
perspective on what I see and hear, which I would now like to share with
First, the overwhelming picture before us is of death and destruction
wrought by the Israeli army in the Palestinian cities, Jenin above all.
In addition to the hundreds killed and thousands wounded, we have
irrefutable evidence that the Israeli army has barred ambulances from
evacuating the dead and wounded, has bulldozed homes in large numbers
(sometimes with the families still inside), and has withheld access to
water, electricity, and phone communication for periods of a week and more.
Can you imagine life with no water, while men, women, and children are
bleeding to death around you? And finally having to bury the corpses in an
empty lot nearby, after days of keeping them at home?
These go well beyond the ongoing acts of brutality, mass arrests, vandalism,
theft, and humiliations, which are also rampant. A senior officer was quoted
in Ha'aretz today as saying, "When the world sees pictures of what we have
done there, it will cause enormous damage to us." It's no wonder that the
media are not given access. Listening to the report from the field at the
emergency board meeting of B'Tselem last night, I was not the only one with
tears in my eyes.
This is no time for analysis, although I have much to say: About the
complicity of Peres, about the appalling anti-Semitism unleashed
internationally by legitimate anger at Israeli, and about how horrifying
terrorism in Israel and the so-called "war against terrorism" in the US have
given license to what is happening.  Introduce
Bush-Cheney-Rice-Sharon-Mofaz, and the recipe for Violence-Begets-More
Violence is complete. Today's killing of 13 Israeli soldiers in Jenin only
drives home the tragic futility of Israel's military might.
Rather than analyze, this is a time to act. Here in Israel, the peace and
human rights movement is working tirelessly on every imaginable front.
Soldiers who refuse to serve the occupation are going to jail; convoys of
food and medical supplies hastily collected have been distributed and more
are being collected; human rights workers are risking their lives to monitor
action; peace activists have braved hailstorms of teargas and stun grenades
in facing army checkpoints; foreign activists have served as human shields
throughout the territories. In my history of activism, I recall no parallel
sense of urgency, in which lives and daily bread are being set aside to
pursue a cause. But I also recall no parallel feeling that a calamity of our
own making is unfolding before our eyes.
I implore you to take action of your own. Contact relevant officials (some
addresses are given below). If you're Jewish, make a point of saying that.
Tell them:
1)      International monitors must be dispatched to the region at once to
end the terrible violence.
2)      The root cause of the conflict is the Israeli occupation of the
territories. This must come to an end.

Other things you can do, even if you have limited time:
*       If you have just 1 minute to give, forward this letter to others on
your list.
*       If you have 10 minutes to spare, write a check to the organization
of your choice (see the links at www.coalitionofwomen4peace.org
<http://www.coalitionofwomen4peace.org>  for a few suggestions).
*       If you have 20 minutes, call, fax or write (make it brief!) any of
the officials below.
*       If you have an hour, write a letter to the editor of your local
newspaper (brief and from the heart).
*       If you have more time, get involved. See "Get Involved - Find an
Organization Near You" at www.junity.org <http://www.junity.org>  for some
*       If you're an American Jew, join the Tikkun Community (www.tikkun.org
<http://www.tikkun.org> ) or the newly formed Brit Tzedek v'Shalom - Jewish
Alliance for Justice & Peace (www.jppi.org) <http://www.jppi.org)> .

Whatever you can do is valuable.
Finally, I can't help but note that Israel marked Holocaust Memorial Day
today. When will we finally extricate ourselves from this trauma and apply
ourselves to instilling its true lesson, that of tolerance?
Shalom / Salaam from Jerusalem,
Gila Svirsky

Note: If you have time, print out and fax a letter (or make a phone call),
as those are more effective than e-mail.
President George W. Bush
Phone: (202) 456-1414
Fax: (202) 456-2461
E-mail: president@w.. <mailto:president@w..> .

Secretary of State Colin Powell
Phone: (202) 647-4000 (202-647-5150) Bureau of Near East Affairs
Fax: (202) 261-8577
E-mail: secretary@s.. <mailto:secretary@s..> .
Ms. Mary Robinson
United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights webadmin.hchr@u..
<mailto:webadmin.hchr@u..> .
Mr. Kofi Annan
Secretary General of the UN
Phone: (212) 963-5012
Fax: (212) 963-4879

Mr.Terje Rod Larsen
Representative of the UN in Palestine
Tel: + 972 8 282 2914
Fax: + 972 8 282 0966
unsco@p.. <mailto:unsco@p..> .

Council of the European Union
public.info@c.. <mailto:public.info@c..> .
karin.roxman@c.. <mailto:karin.roxman@c..> .
Javier Solana - EU special envoy:
javier.sancho-velazquez@c.. <mailto:javier.sancho-velazquez@c..> .
(See attached file: mlv.vcf)

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