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Re: Re Koop re Frank re the Communist Manifesto: critique
by kjkhoo
17 March 2002 05:46 UTC
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briefly, it's khoo, not koop.

and yes, i'm aware of your history, and was not impugning it. simply 
addressing that business of personal identity.

i'm also not worried about those who are dead and gone. it's those 
who are still living i was concerned for.

At 11:46 AM -0500 16/3/02, Andre Gunder Frank wrote:
>1. yes indeed. It has long since been the Thacher/Reagan RIGHT
>who has run off with the capitalist flag and waved it for all it is
>worth, which to them has been quite a lot. But that is all the more
>reason for the left to find something better.
>2. In front of me above my desk is a foto of 5 personal friends/companeros
>from chile each of whom was murdered by  Pinochet as they were fighting
>against his regime and for a humane society. One is also a former student
>of mine to whose memoory i dedicated two books [anyone can look/see what
>it says on the dedicatory page]. I do NOT forget them or others, and
>discarding capitalism as a concept and term in no wise diminishes their
>sacrifice or my memory
>gunder frank

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