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Phase One: Immediate Mobilization
by Adam Starr
14 March 2002 23:41 UTC
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Hello WSN World,

As pointed out in my last major entry, "Remebering
Wallerstein's Remedies", Wallerstein himself called
for changing of the capitalist world-system. I don't
think that there many of us that would argue against
this. However the question remains, how to go about

AGF himself suggests in, "The Underdevelopment of
Development" suggests that all current remedies for
development programs (whether being left, center, or
right) are inaplicable and a new development project
must emerge. I suggest that may apply to more than
just development.

Wallerstein has suggested a three phase stages, the
first of which calls for immediate mobilization (as
discussed in the above entry). Based upon AGF's
concerns as well as historical analysis of socialist
revolution over the past century. We have witnessed
purges, genocide, centralization of power, IMF/WB
style economic policies within supposed communist
countries, and reduction of human rights. Thus, there
is concern for implementation of immediate
mobilization designed to stress the current world
system that would not be repeat of past atrocities.
Apparently people are not altruistic by merrit of
being oppressed. 

I would also like to include (to a lesser extent)
"activist demonstrations" in this category which seems
to be our modern western equivalent of peasant
revolution. Although symbolic, very little policy
change results from demonstrations like that in
Seattle. Therefor this human energy and
resourcefullness needs to be directed in a more
efficient manner. Hmmm.

Charles J. Reid has suggested the need to analyze the
current legal system and how it sustain inequalities
leading to the rise of desperation which in turn has
created the 'current' world crisis. I assume he is
referring to the American legal system (we must
remember that there are many legal systems). He
suggested that Supreme Court decisions defending the
'Defence Appropriation Bill" and cutting of
Corporation taxes have led to the conclusion that
economics are controlling politics and taking justice
away from the people. In turn, agencies such
health-care and the media are directly affected.

Dennis L. Blewitt asked the question, "when did a
third branch of governement  become a system?" He
suggested that the Judiciary has become closed system
in which power has been transferred to public
officials such as prosecutors and administrators that
administers the destruction of the social contract in
favour of a written code established by corporations.

Let us work with this. If Charles is right in his
speculation that the legal system is indeed a point of
focus in that economics are controlling politics.
Combine this with the question raised by Dennis and
his comments concerning the transfer of power to
public officials, in which I would to include the US
senate and unofficially the Lobbiests they colude
with, there is a sound platform to work upon for
mobilization strategies.

I would like to add a third contribution (although not
originally intended for this discussion) from AGF. In
"The Underdevelopment of Development", he appears
concerned with the analysis of relations of three
conceptual actors: the international political
economy, world system history, and social movements.

I propose then that the legal system that should be
analyzed is not at the state level, but at the
international level. Domestic policies are
increasingly being dictated from the international
arena. The legalities of international trade through
the WTO, lending practices of the IMF and WB,
international tribunals such what Mr. Molosevic is
experiencing, etc. should be the units of analysis.
However, the American legal system is vital to this as
well considering where the emphasis for neo-liberalism
comes from. Remember though, think global now and act
local later.

Based on AGF's analysis of relations, let us consider:
International Law as it applies to the International
Political Economy. How can mobilization occur at this
level through a world-system paradigm?

Assignment:  Brainstorm units of analysis within
International Law  for further discussion. Come up
with a list of relevant actors.


Adam T. Starr
Undergraduate of Political Science, UVic
3009 Quadra Street, Victoria, British Columbia
V8T 4G2 Canada
(011) (250) 472-1223
adam@hornbyisland.com or reunitedhornby@yahoo.com

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