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Market and optimal allowance of resources at the world level ?
by Contamine
28 February 2002 04:06 UTC
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Market and optimal allowance of  resources at the world level ?

Some facts

[ 306 billionaires totaling $1.300 billion in wealth ][1.3 billion people - live on incomes of less than $1 a day]

world spent on its military sector in the three decades from 1960 to 1990 $21,000 billion][ Total world military expenditure has been rising again since 1998. Total world military expenditure in 2000 amounted to about $798 billion, in current dollars][2002: Pentagon will devour some $379 billion][ Arms transfers USA 50%, followed by Russia, France, the UK and Germany][ US chemical weapons incineration program $15 billion (1)][ Space station $60 billion]

[ Agricultural subsidies in the developed industrial member states of the OECD total $300 billion a year][
U.S. pet food industry: $11 billion per year ][ USA adult entertainment industry:$10 billion][ Largest population of overweight adults: United States = 61% of adult U.S. population][ USA dieters currently spend an average of $30 billion annually on products that promise to remove them from that overweight category][ Biggest selling drugs: antiulcerants (antacids, for indigestion) = $15.8 billion]

[ Highest
carbon emissions: United States = 24% of world total][ Leading cigarette exporter: United States (21% of world exports)][ Leading petroleum user: United States = 26% of world supply]

ODA for Sub-Sahara $9.5 billion ][ Niger: revenues: $0.2 billion ][ By 1998, the heavily indebted poor countries had international debts of $214 billion equal to only 4.5 months of western military spending ][ US ODA for Sub-Sahara $0.8 billion ][ A survey of 1,233 drugs that reached market between 1975 and 1997 found that only 13 were approved specifically for tropical diseases.]
 Yves Contamine, Québec, Canada.    Email: ycontamine@hotmail.com
    World Global Trends < www.t21.ca >
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