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Study on Media, Defence and Security
by Rohit Talwar
31 January 2002 11:06 UTC
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This is my first posting to the list - I've been following it for some time and have found it a stimulating and valuable forum. I now wanted to request the list's assistance with some research we are undertaking.
We are doing a study on the Media, Defence and Security with a focus on three themes:
1. How is the way the media portrays defence and security issues changing and how might it change over the next 15-30 years?
2. What impact does the media's portrayal of defence and security matters influence public perceptions of the issues and of the defence and security forces - how is this likely to change over the next 15-30 years?
3. How is the tension between the freedom of the press and the security forces' requirements for confidentiality / censorship likely to play itself out over the next 15-30 years?
I'd be interested in any thoughts on the topic and references to any existing work that's been conducted in this field.
Thank you in advance
Rohit Talwar
Fast Future
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