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Re: Kissinger on Phase II and Iraq
by Boris Stremlin
14 January 2002 04:29 UTC
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On Mon, 14 Jan 2002 kjkhoo@pop.jaring.my wrote:

> Gratuitous I know, but what will Hitchens say now to Kissinger? 
> Bully! and and Tally-ho!??

Chris Hitchens has nothing to say, ever since his declaration that there
is nothing to say to those who oppose US retaliation in the wake of Sept.
11th.  In reducing the world to the US vs. Osama, he forgets that a
consistent violation of international norms (even in the name of ridding
the world of fascism with an Islamic face) will eventually be emulated by
others.  And with South Asia sitting on the brink of nuclear war, Chris
Hitchens' chickens have come home to roost.  Ha, ha, ha, and yah, boo,

Boris Stremlin

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