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Andre Gunder Frank
by Dennis.Blewitt
27 November 2001 00:56 UTC
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The debate about UN legality is irrelevant to the activities of the US, who has ignored world court rulings and world opinion. It can do so as the only "superpower",  defining the game and providing most of the equipment.  This will not change until there is a quantuum change in the views and attitudes of the citizenry.

In my forthcoming book about the legal system, I discuss the fact that the criminal legal system is closed and stifles debate and has abolished any feedback loop.  Privvate attorneys are replaced by state agency public defenders, trials are discouraged, defenses are prohibited, jury selection and nulification are under attack.  The proceedings have all the earmarks of an inquisition, with civil rights relegated to symbolic status such as in a Catholic Mass.  The system is structured to impliment the decissions of prosecutors without any feedback, debate, or public scrutiny, except in highly publicized trials selected by the State.

Zero tolerance and procedural changes have turned a third branch of Government into a system.  The Thornburg memo authorizes unilateral action by prosecutors on accused without the requirement of counsel (who is generally treated as the enemy)  The snitch culture forces accused to become agents of the state without any debate or discussion.  Rewards age given to snitches, forcing them to particiate in a cultural war against any disagreement.

It would appear, that since 9-11, these factors could apply to congress, passing budget and anti-terrorism without debate, making treaties with an "aliance" without the advice and consent of the Senate, and the complete control of propaganda to impliment the same

Dennis L. Blewitt

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