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Re: Their terrorists and ours
by Mike Alexander
17 October 2001 23:28 UTC
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I cannot pretend to be any kind of expert on the social structure and class
dynamics of the Muslim countries, but it seems to me "Bin Ladenism" is the
ideological expression of social classes driven to despair and madness by
the ruthless, suffocating, crushing weight of that system. That there would
be a response by these (and other social classes in the Islamic world) to
imperialism was inevitable. But that this response to imperialism has found
an extremely reactionary social and political program, and an ideology that
befits such a program, is due to the failures of the working class movement
in the 20th Century, not just in the advanced capitalist countries but also
in the Soviet Union.
I disagree.  Bin Ladenism exploits the non-capitalistic social classes. It is
as much an expression against imperialism as Pat Robertson or Jerry
Falwell's movements.
Mike Alexander,  author of
Stock Cycles: Why stocks won't beat money markets over the next 20 years.
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