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Re: this is about oil. It's always about oil
by Alan Spector
17 October 2001 13:25 UTC
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I could be wrong, but it makes sense to me that the bombing attack on the
Chinese embassy in Belgrade was not a mistake.  Superficially, it seemed to
damage the U.S. government, but in reality, they might have been sending a
message to the Chinese to stop pushing so hard -- in Yugoslavia, in helping
Iraq, etc. etc. The Chinese response was relatively mild as well, as if they
were saying: "Okay, dammit, you win this round."

In the long run it will hurt U.S. interests, but I'm not sure that it was a
random mistake in the short run. The explanation about "out of date" maps,
etc., that the bombers used were not particularly believable at the time.

As to copper, well, yes, copper is part of it. It is a commodity. There is a
lot of profit involved in that. Also also sugar cane, after all. But
petroleum, that is the core of much of the world's functioning, both
literally the industrial functioning, and by extension, the financial
circulation of capital and profit making. And of course there are the
strategic political-military considerations to secure the oil, so that each
military act is not necessarily about grabbing a particular piece of oil in
that precise place.

Alan Spector

----- Original Message -----
From: "klik geopolitik" <klikgeopolitik@yahoo.co.uk>
To: <wsn@csf.colorado.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2001 4:58 AM
Subject: Re: this is about oil. It's always about oil

> And copper too, ladies and gentlemen, and copper too!
> Remember, US interest (Freeport et al) got rid of
> Lumumba in Congo, got rid of Soekarno in Indonesia,
> and US interest (Anaconda, ITT et al) got rid of
> Allende in Chile, all for copper.
> Why? Because copper is still the best and cheapest
> conductor of electricity, without which we could
> neither possibly communicate in this cyber world,
> nor could the Stealth bomber aircraft receive signals
> on where to drop the bombs in Yugoslavia and
> Afghanistan (never mind the mishits on Chinese Embassy
> building in Yugoslavia and on the NGO working to
> defuse
> the landmines in Afghanistan.  After all, those
> warrior-capitalists are human, too)
> ____________________________________________________________
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> Go to http://uk.yahoo.com/nokiagame/ and join the new
> all media adventure before November 3rd.

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