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by Andre Gunder Frank
14 October 2001 20:12 UTC
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Steve Sherman writes that his case is weakend by

it does not have any oil to worry about (such as Chile, the Dominican
Republic, the Korean Peninsula, Nicaragua, Congo, Vietnam, Kosovo, Haiti)

well not all that weakened, or not by all that, since directly
Congo and Kosovo DID have direct oil connections, 

In the recent case of Kosovo, the most or thereabouts only geogaphically
possible route for an oil piplein from the Black to the Adriatic Sea
''just happens'' to run through the valley just south of the border
between Kosovo and Macedonia, where the same war is now continuing. And as
per my just re-posted item on US Caspian Sea Oil policy, apart from the
trans-Afghanistan route under discussion here to the Indian Ocean [to nix
the shorter Iran and the longer China, but both ''unfriendly'' states
routes] and of course to nix more routes through Russia, the other two
-not all oil through one pipe basket- and therefore COMPLEMENTARY more
than competitive routes are through Turkey to Ceyhan on the Mediterreanean
[the most costly route declined by the oil companies without heavy
subsidies from the Turkish and US public purses] and various variations of
trans Black Sea and onward to Western Europe routes. And that is where the
NATO war against Yugoslavia [mis-named ''Kosovo'' war] comes in:Kosovo,
Macedonia and the projection of NATO south-eastward toward Persian Gulf
and Caspian Sea OIL, now as a confessedly OFFENSIVE alliance into OUT OF
AREA location/s, both of which along with abiding by the UN Charter as the
third are direct violations of the provisions in the very first paragraph
of the NATO charter.

For more details from the present source, see my Caspian Sea oil note just
Re-posted [re after last december] and the NATO WAR long section 7 
or a summary articel thereof  among the on-line essays in Section 8
of my home page at    csf.colorado.edu/agfrank/ also noted in address
file below


                    ANDRE  GUNDER  FRANK
Department of History                      Home
University of Nebraska Lincoln [UNL]       4440 North 7th Street 
612 Oldfather                              Apt. 107 
P.O. Box 880327                            Lincoln, NE 68521 USA
Lincoln, NE 68588-0327                     Tel: 1-402-742 7931
Tel: 1-402-472 3251=direct 2414=Dpt        Fax: 1-402-742 7932 
Fax: 1-402-472 8839
E-Mail: franka@fiu.edu          Web Page: csf.colorado.edu/agfrank/

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