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Re: this is about oil. It's always about oil
by Threehegemons
14 October 2001 12:33 UTC
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Even apart from precise statistics, I find the argument that 'this is about 
oil' quite dubious.  While some capitalists in the US (the oil industry, 
industries especially dependent on cheap energy sources) may examine the 
situation in terms of ways to increase US control over world oil, I don't 
think it should be particularly controversial to say that it is in the 
interests of capitalists (along with a number of other classes) to try to 
prevent getting blown up when they go in to work tomorrow.  

Let's say there was reason to suppose the terrorist attacks came out of some 
part of the world with minimal economic significance.  Do you really suppose 
nothing much would be done?  Putting aside the power elite, Bush (or whoever 
was president) would be obligated to respond simply to try to maintain a 
future electoral majority.  Considering the militaristic culture of the US 
(let alone the macho militarist culture which Bush has generally allied 
himself with) its extremely likely such a response would be through the 

Whatever alliances developed, whatever strategies pursued, if Bush fails to 
stop terrorism in the US, one is likely to hear many capitalists (along with 
many others) vigorously debate how to otherwise do so.

Steven Sherman

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