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ANWR in trouble
by Thomas D. Hall
25 September 2001 18:40 UTC
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Below is a message from a colleague here at DePauw.

My colleague is NOT one prone to jumping to conclusions.  So this merits 
further investigation.  I forward it to wsn in hopes others may know about 

tom hall

My brother has recently been doing a fair amount of lobbying for
environmental organizations. This morning as he was talking to one of the
New York Senators, he learned that one of the senators from Oklahoma has put
a rider on the defense appropriations bill scheduled to come before the
senate tomorrow. The rider would allow drilling in the Arctic National
Wildlife Refuge. This is clearly a time when elected officials will have
trouble opposing any kind of defense bill, so our senators and congressmen
will need lots of calls asking them to oppose the rider, or else this will
be a done deal, perhaps as early as tomorrow.

How sneaky is this? He called the president of the Sierra Club to talk
about it, and they were surprised to learn about it. This is happening very
quietly. My wife talked to the Indiana senators' offices this morning, and
they apparently are well aware of the situation. But nobody's talking about

Thomas D. [tom] Hall
Department of Sociology & Anthropology
c/o 420 Anderson Bldg #f
DePauw University
Greencastle, IN 46135
dept: 765-658-4519
off:  765-658-4519
web:  http://acad.depauw.edu/~thall/hp1.htm

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