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Re: Fw: [R-G] Bin Laden? Better Be Sure (Kagarlitsky)
by Karl Carlile
19 September 2001 03:46 UTC
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Karl: Yes I likened the matter to the burning of the Reichstag too. Only I
suggested that the CIA, even without the knowledge of Bush, may have been a
factor in the conspiracy. Just look at the circumstances surrounding the
assassination of JFK.

It is clear to me that elements of the Amercan bourgeoisie is prepared to kill
its Presidents. If it has the blood of hundreds of thousands on its hands what
is the problem with another five or more thousand. The bourgeoisie does not
essentially care whether they are American workers or Hottentots. The only it
cares about is capitalism.

They assassinated JFK. They used enormous resources to politically assassinate
President Clinton through the use of scandal. They hoped that this failed
attempt would lead to the defeat of the Democratic Presidential candidate Al
Gore. Given that this strategy did not succeed they stole the Presidency to give
to its puppet --Bush. Now perhaps they conspired in a terrorist attack on New
York and Washington to further their class interests.
Next it will use this terrorist attack to assassinate whatever little democracy
and human liberty there is from us. Even the individuals directly involved in
terrorist act may not have been at all aware that they were being used. They may
have believed they were doing it for Allah or a christain god --or whatever. If
true it forms an interesting and revealing pattern.

Karl Carlile (GCG)
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Boris Kagarlitsky:There is, however, one analogy that does not seem to have
occurred to
anyone: the burning of the Reichstag. The anti-Arab and anti-Moslem hysteria
that has followed around the globe in the wake of the catastrophe simply
calls out for comparison with the events of the 1930s. The U.S. authorities
immediately started the search for the guilty among Arabs, Osama bin Laden
cropped up almost immediately as prime suspect and alternative versions have
barely been entertained.

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