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Fwd:(no subject)
by Seyed Javad
15 September 2001 23:35 UTC
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From: "niall"
Reply-To: communism@lists.econ.utah.edu
Subject: [COMMUNISM LIST](no subject)
Date: Sat, 15 Sep 2001 09:28:26 +0100
Communism List:
Workers of the world unite!
Goya said the sleep of reason produces monsters.
We've heard all about attacks on Democracy and all freedom loving people.
and so on. Maybe the US government's thinking is so misshapen that it
actually believes its own frenzied, jingoistic statements? The bombings of
New York were callous acts, but so too were the US bombings of Sudan. With
no entirely credible pretext, Clinton saw fit to destroy half its
pharmaceutical supplies and kill unknown numbers of people (the US blocked
an inquiry at the UN on the numbers dead).
Will we have a Day of Mourning for these victims? No. Why? Quite simply,
whether we care to believe it or not, we in the west have double standards.
Humanitarian reasons allow intervention for Kosovo, but not for the Kurds in
Turkey. The United States has long employed terrorism in pursuit of its own
ends. The list is long.sanctions that have devastated Cuba and Iraq,
assassination attempts on Castro, Chile, Cambodia, Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
The US harbour a terrorist responsible for blowing up a Cuban airplane in
the 70s and have refused to send him back to Cuba for trial.
Now is a time for self-criticism and self-scrutiny among the major Western
powers, not a time for blindly lashing out at foreign enemies.
Expect those sad scenes we saw in Palestine of a minority celebrating the
attack be repeated by Americans when some poor under developed country is
bombed back into the Stone Age.
Niall Cullinane.
Communism List _______________________________________________

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