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Fwd: (en) Funding for research into anarchism
by Seyed Javad
06 September 2001 02:58 UTC
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From: "Susan Brown"
To: ra-len@univ-montp3.fr
Subject: (en) Funding for research into anarchism
Date: Wed, 05 Sep 2001 21:59:15 -0400
From: Ronald Creagh
I am preparing a paper on the present state of research on anarchism
in the academy. I would be happy if I could get information on the
following topics:
1. Is there any funding for research into anarchism or must it be
dressed up as history, economic theory, philosophy of authority,
analysis of postmodernity, etc.? I know how the situation is in
France - simply horrible, as most of the serious research on these
issues is done outside the academy, and people who are in the
establishment are quickly marginalized. Furthermore, social history
is now moribund here. What is the situation in other countries?
2. Is there any indirect repression: for instance, when some activist
or anarchist writer has played an important historical role, s/he is
not mentioned as anarchist.
3. Has anarchist history been edged out of left-wing history, is
statism the dominant paradigm in political theory, is capitalism the
dominant paradigm in economic theory, etc.
4. Is there today a rediscovery of anarchism? It seems that, in
France at least, nineteenth century anarchism was not perceived as
such. It is only since the end of the XXth century that one can now
evaluate the thoughts of Proudhon, Stirner, etc. For instance,
Nietsche or Deleuze revisit Spinoza and give him a very strong
meaning which was not perceived in earlier times.
5. Is the intellectual left rediscovering anarchism?
Thank you for any comments.
The Research on Anarchism List (RA-L) is an international forum which
was started on January 1, 1996, and is devoted to book reviews,
research and discussion of the theories, histories and cultures of
world anarchist movements and to other topics related to anarchism.
Our site: http://melior.univ-montp3.fr/ra_forum/
Antoine Barral
L. Susan Brown
John P. Clark
Ronald Creagh
Annick Stevens
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