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Re: Hardt & Negri on Genoa
by Richard N Hutchinson
20 July 2001 23:50 UTC
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Louis and all-

Don't read the Hardt & Negri op-ed piece without reading the Thomas
Friedman piece!

Friedman's essay,  called "Evolutionists" divides the bad antiglobalists
from the good reformist globalists, citing Oxfam and others who are
distancing themselves from the street militants now in Genoa.

Hardt & Negri can clearly be placed in the "reformist globalist" camp,
especially since they never specify what their "multitude" can should or
will do to stop capitalist globalization.  Again, they're really nothing
more than social democrats in fancy trappings.

So it makes perfect sense that they would be touted by the New York Times
and Time Magazine, the "liberal enlightened" wing of the bourgeoisie, in
an attempt to build up the pro-capitalist wing of the antiglobalization
movement and split it off from the radicals.

Friedman's last line is the best -- something to the effect of "the
movement can't be successful unless it learns to work with big business
and governments"!!!!!


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