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Re: Alternatives to Corporate globalization
by Barry Brooks
23 May 2001 22:17 UTC
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We can't wait for the 2nd coming of anyone.

We can't expect any existing movement or ideology to answer the new problems
we face.

We can't solve anything by being against or for canned ideas or fighting any

We can propose ways to fix existing systems, of whatever stripe.  The
problem is not in any system.  It is in the total lack of understanding of
how things work that we fall into debating useless trivia.

My I repeat what I believe is a positive suggestion.  I would be interested
in any comments WSN subscribers might have.


If an item lasted twice as long we would only need to produce half as many
to supply demand. As we move backwards to consume even more energy we only
speed the coming of exhaustion of non-renewable energy. As I understand it,
the need to make jobs requires a consumer society.  The increase in
consumption is all that has kept machines from causing unemployment.  But,
the growth goal of our economy is at odds with conservation, which requires
using less.

Needless to say, business types don't like the idea of increasing durability
to conserve.  Engineers like it a lot, but they don't enter into policy
debates.  Economists know about to possibility of using increased durability
to conserve, but they never mention it.

To avoid problems we need to build an economy that tries to minimize
consumption.  Communism, capitalism, or even fascists could strive to
survive. It's only a question of informing them that they have a way to
become internally consistent.  See my web site for more about the use of
durability to conserve.


Barry Brooks

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