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[Fwd: Symposium Announcement: 3rd Internat. Symposium on Ethnic Identities & Political Action in Post-Cold War Europe] by N.I.Xirotiris 27 March 2001 14:03 UTC |
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-- Prof. Nikolaos Xirotiris Laboratory of Anthropology Demokritos University of Thrace P.O.Box 209 GR-69100 Komotini Greece tel. 0030-531-23365 fax 0030-531-25212 or 23365 web: http://platon.ee.duth.gr/~xirot/Bioethics/BIOETHIC_NEWS.html web: http://platon.ee.duth.gr/~xirot/labor/index.html
Organised by
School of Social and Community Science (University of Ulster)
Laboratory of Anthropology (Democritus University of Thrace)
International Demokritos FoundationScientific Committee
Nikolaos Staurou (Howard University)
Constantin Danopoulos (San Jose State University)
Neoklis Sarris (Panteion University)
Manousos Marangoudakis (Ulster University)
Nikolaos Xirotiris (Democritus University of Thrace)
Continuing the series of successful and thought provoking symposia that we launched two years ago, this year’s symposium aims to critically review the sociological and political study of ethnic identities and political action in Europe as they are shaped by:
1) the disintegration of the Eastern Block;
2) the US hegemony and the precipitation of economic globalisation;
3) the institutional completion and the political expansion of the European Union;
4) the role of mass media in shaping ethnic identity and international political action; and
5) the collapse of Yugoslavia and the political turmoil that has developed since then in the Balkans.Four key issues will underpin the symposium papers this year:
1) Geopolitics, Geoeconomics and the Future of Ethnic Identity.
Proponents of Globalisation envisage peaceful and prosperous world. Entrepreneurial-styled competition will replace war; individual interests will weaken state boundaries and aggressive nationalism will become a thing of the past. Yet, in many parts of the world one witnesses the rise of ethnic and religious based nationalism. Instead of being submerged and subsumed by the onslaught of globalisation, many hitherto dormant groups labour to re-establish or strengthen their ethnic identity and groups consciousness. The task of this symposium will be to bring together a group of scholars who will discuss and analyse the impact of globalisation on ethnic identities in the Balkans, other parts of the former Eastern bloc, as well as other parts of the world. Papers will include case studies as well as comparative and theoretical undertakings.
2) The social and political factors affecting the process of identity construction today.
The contributors will be asked to review the theoretical tools and methods used to analyse the social and political factors responsible for the construction of ethnic identities and to identify those who are particularly successful in helping us understand the ethnic phenomenon.
3) Inter-state Rivalry and Ethnic Identity.
The contributors will be asked to examine the status quo of ethnic communities in relation to international affairs and by-national relations. Ethnic groups are often adopted, supported, or manipulated by revisionist neighbouring states. Furthermore, they usually take into consideration international sensitivities and interests before they decide the political strategy they will follow (e.g., political, military, cultural). To what extent then are ethnic groups civil society, and to what extent state-bound phenomena?
4) The Role of Mass Media in Identity Formation.
The contributors will be asked to examine recent developments in the Balkans, the Caucasus, Ireland, and elsewhere in Europe in an effort to assess the role of electronic and paper media in shaping the political agenda of both ethnic minorities’ movements and international political intervention.Locating the Symposium in Thrace will provide an opportunity for Balkan social scientists to exchange and debate a number of issues, which affect their counties in profound ways, and give the opportunity to western academics to meet with colleagues who have first hand experience of the ‘powder-keg’ of European politics.
--------------------------------------------------------------Name (Fist, Last): ___________________________________________
University, Faculty or Institute: ____________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________
Postal Code: __________________, City: _______________________
Country: ____________________________
Tel.: ___________________________, Fax: ______________________
E-mail: ______________________________________________________
Participation Yes: ____ - No: ____
Title of the Presentation: ___________________________________
--------------------------------------------------------------Please return this until the 25th of April, to:
Professor Nikos Xirotiris
Laboratory of Anthropology
P.O.Box 209, GR-69100 Komotini, Greece
Tel.: 0030 531 23365
Fax: 0030 531 23365, 0030 531 25212or
E-mail: estoliar@he.duth.gr
Abstracts (200 words max.) to be submitted by June 01th 2001 to:
Professor Nikos Xirotiris
Laboratory of Anthropology
P.O.Box 209
GR-69100, Komotini
(tel) 0030 531 23365
(fax) 0030 531 23365, 0030 531 25212
(e-mail) xirot@he.duth.grFurther Informations to:
Dr Manussos Marangudakis
School of Social and Community Science, University of Ulster
N. Ireland
BT48 7JL
(tel.) 0044 28 90 375280
(fax) 0044 28 90 375402
(e-mail) mm.marangudakis@ulst.ac.uk
Referring to the expenses, we would like to inform you that we should provide you with full board accommodation during your stay.
For any questions about the stay in Xanthi:
Professor Nikos Xirotiris
Laboratory of Anthropology
P.O.Box 209
GR-69100, Komotini, Greece
(tel) 0030 531 23365
(fax) 0030 531 23365, 0030 531 25212
(e-mail) xirot@he.duth.gr
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