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by g kohler
25 March 2001 16:30 UTC
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This is a question for Professor Wagar or others -
How could one state the creed of the Left Enlightenment in 100 words or less?
For example, would the following statement do?
"All humans (men and women, members of different ethnic groups, people with or without disability) are born free and equal. It is the responsibility of society (local, national and global) to assure that they (we) are alive, free and equal and have an adequate standard of living." [47 words]
Would that be a suitable capsule statement?
[ One could argue that "adequate standard of living" implies the goal of ecological stability/sustainability, since the realization of an adequate standard of living for all requires that the environment can sustain it.]["alive" would imply that they (we) would not be exposed to, or engage in, war, genocide or other forms of violence.]["creed" is not a strategic plan of how to do it, but a statement of what is desirable.]
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