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by KSamman
17 March 2001 14:44 UTC
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Subj: [AL-AWDA] Einstein
Date: 3/16/01 5:31:31 PM !!!First Boot!!!
From:    rgmattar@cyberia.net.lb (Raja Mattar)
Reply-to:    Al-Awda@yahoogroups.com
To:    Al-Awda@yahoogroups.com


I came across the following interesting and fully-referenced quotations by
Albert Einstein.  They might be useful in some discussions.


Should we be unable to find a way to honest cooperation and honest pacts with
the Arabs, then we have learned absolutely nothing during our 2,000 years of
suffering and deserve all that will come to us.

      Albert Einstein (German-born Am. physicist, 1879-1955): letter to
Chaim Weizmann, Nov. 25, 1929

I should much rather see reasonable agreement with the Arabs on the basis of
living together in peace than the creation of a Jewish state.  Apart from
practical consideration, my awareness of the essential nature of Judaism
resists the idea of a Jewish state with borders, an army, and a measure of
temporal power no matter how modest.  I am afraid of the inner damage Judaism
will sustain - especially from the development of a narrow nationalism within
our own ranks, against which we have already had to fight strongly.

      Albert Einstein (German-born Am. physicist, 1879-1955): "Our Debt to
Zionism," speech before the National Labor Committee for Palestine, New York,
Apr. 17, 1938 (repr. in Out of My Later Years [1950] ch.52)

No one has the moral right to call himself a Christian or a Jew if he is
prepared to commit murder upon the instruction of a given authority, or if he
permits himself to be used for the purpose of initiating or preparing such a
crime in any way whatsoever.

      Albert Einstein (German-born Am. physicist, 1879-1955): writing in
1928, per Banesh Hoffmann, Albert Einstein: Creator and Rebel [1972] ix

The world is a dangerous place to live in not because of those who do evil
but because of those who watch and let it happen.

      Albert Einstein (German-born Am. physicist, 1879-1955): quoted in Time
magazine, "Terror and Pity", Sep. 2, 1996

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