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Re: China Criticizes US Human Rights Record
by Petros Haritatos
02 March 2001 11:58 UTC
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I was curious about it so I searched for the source.
You can find the original Chinese paper on


This seems like Beijing's response to the U.S. State Department, which
every year publishes its "holier than thou" 'Country Reports on Human
Rights Practices'. This has just been released, so the Chinese text is
clearly intended as a tit for tat response.

Here is how it begins:

----- QUOTE ----------
US Human Rights Record in 2000 (02/27/2001)

Released by the Information Office of the State Council on February 27,

  I. American Democracy - a Myth, Political Rights Infringed
  II. Rampant Violence and Arbitrary Judicial System Are Jeopardizing
the freedom and lives of US citizens
  III. Widening Gap Between Rich and Poor and Deteriorating Situation of
Worker's Economic and Social Rights
  IV. Gender Discrimination & Ill-treatment of Children
  V. Racial Discrimination Prevails, Minorities Ill-Treated
  VI. Waging War Frequently and Rampantly Infringing Upon Human Rights
of Other Countries

  The Information Office of China's State Council Tuesday released an
article titled "US Human Rights Record in 2000."

---- UNQUOTE -------

By the way, check out  http://www.chinadaily.com.cn
to see how Chinese spokesmen describe their country.

Petros Haritatos, Athens
-----Original Message-----
From: ssherman <ssherman@gborocollege.edu>
To: wsn@csf.colorado.edu <wsn@csf.colorado.edu>
Date: Πέμπτη, 1 Μαρτίου 2001 10:27 πμ
Subject: China Criticizes US Human Rights Record

>This was on another list I subscribe to--I cannot verify its
accuracy--but it
>seems like it might be real.
>Steven Sherman
>the following is a summary of human rights abuses in the usa, written
by the
>information office of china's state council. it is clearly propaganda
>authoritarian communist undertones), but the information is factual and
>article is very well put together (and i always think
>its clever to accuse the accuser). enjoy!

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