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Parallels Sexism-Racism regarding Effect on Income (local, national, global)
by g kohler
24 February 2001 14:04 UTC
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Parallels Sexism-Racism regarding Effect on Income (local, national, global)
Sexism, racism and economics are hard to disentangle. I am interested in studying the effect of racism on global wage structure. One way of doing that could be by using the analogy sexism-racism. The socio-economic-political mechanisms that lead to lower incomes for women appear to be similar (analogous) to the socio-economic-political mechanisms which lead to lower incomes for one ethno-cultural-racial group compared with another. As a first step in my investigation, here is a checklist of socio-economic-political mechanisms that seem to be analogous between sexism and racism regarding their effects on income (wage structure). These categories might be applicable at different levels (local, national, global).
2 checklists of categories
A. Sexism (income discrimination on gender grounds, categories of mechanisms)
Girl babies get killed, boy babies live
Girls, women get less food; boys, men get more food
Girls get less education, boys get more education
 - a. from family
 - b. from society
women get lower wages, salaries; men get higher wages, salaries
women do not get hired, men get hired
women are not promoted to top jobs, men are promoted to top jobs
women are kept out of professions (e.g. medical), men are accepted
women get fewer political appointments, men get more political appointments
women have less political representation, men have more political representation
women's concerns, interests are not publicly discussed, men's concerns, interests are discussed
women are demonized, men are not demonized
women must stay at home, men are in public
women have no right to . . ., men have right to . . .
sexual permissiveness of women is condemned, sexual permissiveness of men is praised
there is segregation of women-men in . . .
women are dominated by men
sexist attitudes (in females, males)
sexist structures (in society)
explicitly or implicitly sexist laws

B. Racism (income discrimination on ethno-cultural-racial grounds, categories of mechanisms)
Group A members get killed by group B, group B members do not get killed by group A
Group A members get less medical service, group B members get more medical service
Group A members get less food, group B members get more food
Group A members get less education, group B members get more education
Group A members get lower wages, salaries; group B members get higher wages, salaries
Group A members do not get hired, group B members get hired
Group A members do not get promoted to top jobs, group B members get promoted to top jobs
Group A members are kept out of professions (e.g. medical), group B members are accepted
Group A gets fewer political appointments, group B gets more political appointments
Group A has less political representation, group B has more political representation
Group A concerns, interests are not publicly discussed, group B concerns, interests are discussed
Group A language-culture-religion are suppressed, group B language-culture-religion are allowed
Group A is demonized, group B is not demonized
Group A members get curfews or must stay in designated areas, group B members are free to move about
Group A has no right to . . ., group B has right to . . .
Legal offenses by Group A members are severely punished, legal offenses by group B members are condoned
There is segregation of group A-group B in . . .
Group A is dominated by group B
Racist attitudes (in group A, group B)
Racist structures (in society)
Explicitly or implicitly racist laws
The above may be operating at the local, national, or global level.
Comments welcome to private email.
Also looking for more related literature.
With greetings from Canada,
Gernot Kohler
Email: gkohler@accglobal.net
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