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Re: Hierarchy In the Forest: inequality is not the same as exploitation.
by tjelavek
27 January 2001 19:54 UTC
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Yes apes have leaders, and some eat more than others, and some have more 
wives than others.

Some people are smarter, nicer, more powerfull, more artistic, more 
experienced, richer, have more vision, work harder, take more risks than 
others. Sure!

But in any non-exploitative system, these inequalities do not lead to 
frustration and reduction of the possibilities of self-realization of each 

So to say: millions are starving today because we behave as apes, is just 
pure and plain ape-shit!

Millions are starving today because the human leaders do not provide the 
essential reciprocity that any natural system provides for it's hierarchical 

What we have is a system of constant, endlessly, unnecessary, violent, 
cynical and absurd accumulation, which is not the same as inequality.




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