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Re: Decentralization & Hierarchy
by Paul Riesz
24 January 2001 23:46 UTC
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Dear Richard:
A number of participants seem to share your criticisms of the present
neoliberal world order and probably also like your aims for a
non-hierarchical alternative, which you have expressed as follows:
      * Personal liberty
      * A voice for everyone in society's governance
      * Decentralization
      * Harmonization instead of factionalism
      * Economic vitality
      * Sustainability
      * World peace

But there is considerable skepticism about the feasibility of your
proposals for realizing such an ideal society. But our doubts would be
easily overcome, if you could prove in a small-scale trial, that such a
harmonizing system works in practice. The success of such a trial might
lend credibility to your plan for an alternative world system. 

As a first step you should try to convince a middle sized 
community (maybe with a population of some 50 000) to suspend their
executive for a limited period (maybe one year) and let their affairs be
handled by an assembly of elected citizens (excluding professional

Should this work out successfully, a regional assembly would be next.

Good luck and best regards          Paul

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