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Re: -> Dispensing with hierarchy <-
by Bagelhole1
14 January 2001 18:35 UTC
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In a message dated 1/13/01 5:52:06 AM, richard@cyberjournal.org writes:

<< The 'sustainable communities now' movement is an important
part of the overall movement.  Those folks are doing the
research & development for the rest of us.  They are one of
the constituencies which can network in consensus with other
constituencies, and help build the fabric of the global
movement.  They ground the movement in economic reality.

Dear Richard,
    The "Sustainable Communities Movement" is now over 30 years old, having 
sprung out of those exuberant days of the "Sixties". They have evolved and 
are doing what they can. Many have become more money oriented while some have 
more or less retained a degree of integrity, like the kibbutzim of Israel. 
But we cannot count on them to save us or to ground anything into "economic 
reality". They are doing what they can. But we, in the urban environment, 
need to build a movement too, allied with the "communities movement". We need 
to be building and or reclaiming ourselves community. We can do that now, 
easier than ever before, through sharing practical ideas over the internet 
see <A HREF="http://www.bagelhole.org/">bagelhole.org: home page</A> (still 
under restructuring) and being  models in our local scenes for others. 
    One of the best first steps is for people to start to grow their own 
food, as i have mentioned before, which also, now, is feasible for the first 
time for the many. We can talk forever, that's no problem, sometimes even 
sing, but we need to have a proactive,. grassroots focus that we can all 
support and bring to a "critical mass". This is what I am suggesting we all 
do now. We can talk all along the way but lets see some of us getting on with 
it and start building now. Is there anybody with me?
Most Organically,
Mofwoofoo Woofuaza
San Francisco

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