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World Bank Blues

by Peter Grimes

06 September 2000 06:14 UTC

>>>Excuse me, friends, I must catch my jet --
>>>I'm off to join the Development Set
>>>My bags are packed, and I've had all my shots,
>>>I have travellers' cheques and pill for the trots.
>>>The Development Set is bright and noble,
>>>Our thoughts are deep and our vision global;
>>>Although we move with the better classes,
>>>Our thoughts are always with the masses.
>>>In Sheraton hotels in scattered nations,
>>>We damn multinational corporations;
>>>Injustice seems so easy to protest,
>>>in such seething hotbeds of social rest.
>>>We discuss malnutrition over steaks
>>>And plan  hunger talks during coffee breaks.
>>>Whether Asian floods or African drought,
>>>We face each issue with an open mouth.
>>>We bring in consultants whose circumlocution
>>>Raises difficulties for every solution--
>>>Thus guaranteeing continued good eating
>>>By showing the need for another meeting.
>>>The language of the Development Set,
>>>Stretches the English alphabet;
>>>We use swell words like 'epigenetic'
>>>'Micro,' 'macro,' and 'logarithmetic.'
>>>Development set homes are extremely chic,
>>>Full of carvings, curios and draped with batik.
>>>Eye-level photographs subtly assure
>>>That your host is at home with the rich and the poor.
>>>Enough of these verses -- on with the mission!
>>>Our task is as broad as the human condition!
>>>Just pray to God the biblical promise is true:
>>>The poor ye shall always have with you.
>>>We talk of 'knowledge management' and 'participation'
>>>While we websurf to plan our next vacation.
>>>We work for the Bank and its development feats
>>>While agreeing with the protestors out on the streets.
>>>"Capacity building" rings out as our goal
>>>Assisting the poor to repackage their role
>>>Yet as we Setters promote free market hysteria
>>>We eat subsidized lunch in our lavish cafeteria.

via one Nicholas Costello, maybe author, maybe not,
through Belgium, Switzerland, Tanzania, Uganda, UK,
now US, ....

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