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Re: [CrashList] Re: Reforms and falling short

by Georges Drouet

03 September 2000 15:07 UTC

Change the world is not an easy thing to do, nor is to create a new one in
a sustainable way, i.e. avoiding the historical trick of going to war and
start again because the only result of this kind of strategy is to provoke
pain and misery and fall again in the capitalistic system dominated by the
oligarchy who managed the war.

The first step is not to ask how will be that world we all want because is
not defined yet and it's impossible to do so... The first question to ask
for is "How to proceed?"

I think we must define our fields of action, i.e. economy, politics,
sciences, education, sociology, etc. We may use different sectors,
following the organizational chart of the UNO or the EC, and create teams
in each field depending on the interests and capacities of each of us...

How to compile this information?

Is not an easy thing because we must choose one place with a kind of data
desk in which everyone can download and pick-up the required information...

Another important point is to define the priorities of our action: do we
must act at a local level, a national one or, at least on a global way? I
believe we can act locally by our own, I suppose we all live in so-called
"democratic" countries and we can also change our politicians point of view
acting  through existing political parties, finally I'm convinced our
international action can be conducted through a common political programme
to be implemented worldwide. Concerning the last step, the global one, a
question arises: Is it necessary to create a world party to promote the new
vision of the society we are going to define? I think not, because that
will take to long and will require so huge efforts. In a sustainable point
of view, why should we create a new party if there is millions of them
around the world yet?

Thus, my proposal is to develop two different kind of actions, the
Reflexive Team could be a team in charge of the definition of the policies
we would implement in the nearest future as possible, and the second one,
the Partisan Team, could be made of the people in charge of lobbying the
current political parties to make them adopt a common politic able to
change the world.

How could we define the activities of each team?

The Reflexive Team could use a common virtual place to propose, compile and
synthetize the proposals sent by every participant in the process of
policies' definition. Internet is one of this tools, but it shouldn't be
the exclusive one, in fact most of the people requiring the real effects of
the change we are promoting don't have access to the Net, thus we should
complete our action using more widespread ways of communication as
television, radios and newspapers on a national and local level. Through
articles and free ads, we can ask people to express theirselves, thus
compile and classify that huge amount of information and draw a sustainable
world chart to be lobbyied by the Partisan Team.

The Partisan Team would be in charge of convincing existing political
parties to adopt the sustainable world chart. This actions should be
carried at three different levels:
- locally through meetings with our friends, conferences, personal
encounters with local political representatives, distributing leaflets,
writing articles, participating in radio and television interviews, etc
- nationally promoting policies as a people's concern on political meetings
- globally following the adoption of the policies in each country and
acting into international entities (UNO, EC and other internationl bodies)
through personal and official promotion, i.e. contacting people inside the
organisation (person to person contact) and using official sollicitudes
(entity to entity contact)

Which are the problems we should resolve first?

The most usual counter argument used by conservatives, and recently by left
parties also is if we implement a sustainable policy including the
necessary reforms to be effective, i.e. economical, environmental and
social reforms, the transnational companies will first threaten the daring
government and thus leave the country with their capital and jobs... The
definitive and practical solution in to proceed in two stages: first make
all the countries to adopt the policies without implementing them, thus in
a second stage implement the policies simultaneously in all the countries.

The second trouble is a question of time, the more we wait to change the
current system, the more we will face deeper troubles, e.g. the ozone
problem is not to be solve in one summer but, currently, will require
twenty to thirty years to be fixed... As the whole situation of world
problems is mathematically a exponential system, the more we wait to
applied alterations, the more this alteration should be important!
Remember, two years ago, a company making 15 percent more benefit one year
to the previous one was commended, now companies have to reach incredible
25 or 40 per cent increase in their year to year benefit to be respected...
This crazy race to nowhere is driving us to a faster depletion of natural
ressources and an increasing and insane poor countries workforce
exploitation, a neo-colonialism mixed with the implementation of local
future war points (Colombia, Sierra-Leone, Bosnia, etc) under the false
premise of world security...
The sooner we'll act, the easier (sic!) will be our work... This
consideration drive us to a contradiction in our calendar: do we have
enough time to ask the world population about its concerns, compile them,
analyse that huge amount of datas, synthetize the full stuff, draw the
policies and promote them?

I'm affraid not.

So let us be pragmatic.

Why don't we start from the root points, I mean promote first the basic
changes that have to be made to create a correct framework and use the two
teams concept.
- Partisan Team working on the terrain, convincing people, parties,
governments, ngos and corporations to adopt policies
- Reflexive Team defining policies to be adopted.

What can we do today?

Most of us are convinced that economical, environmental and social troubles
can be stabilized through few basic policies. Which are this proposals?
- Re-regulation of global financial market
- Cancellation of Third World debt
- Political stabilisation through abolition of private funding
- Precautionary principle in potentially dangerous new technologies
- Dismantling and banishment of nuclear and mass-destruction weapons

How can we cooperate on that?

Currently, there's only one proposal answering all the previous questions,
it's called Simultaneous Policy (SP). Many of us have been reading it on
our site, but may be not deeply enough. E.g. have you noticed the section
"Your Ideas" which goal is to compile people's concerns? Did you ask
yourself: Is there another alternative in the current political, social,
environmental world which could be as simple and efficient as SP is?

Six month ago, John contacted me through a e-list, I read his book once,
and then read it a second time and found no flaw on it. Was SP the panacea
I was waiting for? No, of course, but it's mainly the best existing
proposal I heard to change the world on a sustainable way... I think it's
important to propose a sustainable way of change to be constant in our
thoughts... How could we promote a sustainable world if we aren't
sustainable since the beginning of our action?

All this long post is made to convince you to think more precisely about SP
proposals. We are currently reshaping the site and translating it to
French, Spanish and German, but you can still adopt SP online and send your
proposals, everything is free. You can be a member of other organizations,
political parties, governments, you can be a student or a worker, a teacher
or an entrepreneur, woman, man, Swedish, South African, Peruvian, British,
Indian, Chinese or Belgium, whoever you are, you are living on this world
and the world is sick of a incorrect managment. On the behalf of all the
kids, and because it's the only world we can live on, we must change the
rules and we must be cautious in doing that change to avoid falling in the
usual wargame...

Take a look at http://www.simpol.org and may be you can define yourself
about adopting SP or even participate on one of the two teams, the
Partisans one or the Reflexive one...

See you on board!

Georges Drouet
Visit our site: http://www.simpol.org
United Kingdom
John Bunzl
P.O. Box 26547, London SE3 7YT
ISPO Belgique
Georges Drouet
28, place Morichar  1060 Bruxelles

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