Hello folks:
Mr Jason Moore, i've just finished reading your
article. It's very intersting, it will help.
Thank you very much indeed.
Mr Peter Grimes, You've been studying the
relationship between the global environment and human history since 1973,
with that much experience you could give me enough advice, i'm just a 22
years old student.
What i need is historical, philosophical and
theoretical information and advice.
As i wrote i focus on ideology, the main cause of
the actual biospherical crisis.
I believe that we are living (or will live ) a
transition from the present world order. Our challenge is to create a
counterhegemonic order (as Robert Cox or Gramsci would define it). For that
purpose, i deeply believe that ecocentrism (green political thought or
green radical thought as defined by A. Dobson) could be a real alternative. As i
see it, ecocentrism stands as a new vision of reality, as a new paradigm.
Ecocentrism believes that all natural things have
intrinsic value, inherent worths. They exist for their own sake, without
consideration for any value to human civilization. The GAIAN perspective is very
important, because it stands outside the anthropocentric and subjetivist
tradition. This new cosmovision establishes an alternative to humanist
thinking in late modern cultures.
Despite the fact of being very old (in western
traditions anthropocentrism has a point of
origin in greek logocentrism. A prime exemplar of modern anthropocentric thought
is Hobbes, for whom value is only human desiring) i want to centre my study in
the enlightment.
It is important to understand that ecocentrism is
different from environmentalism, wich has no difference with the humanist
conceptions of the relations of human kind with the earth, in wich humans are
privileged over the rest living organisms. The enlightmnet (marxism, liberalism,
etc), islamism, christianity and the positivist faith of science, all see the
earth as a resource.
Thus, the cause of the contradictions among
the global economy, the inter-state system (and the rest of the human historical
"forms") with the biosphere is ideological.