Dr. Ahmet Çakmak
Professor of Economics
Marmara University
I find it useful to state my thesis from the beginning: Under today's
conditions and in the light of the historical experience left can manage
the capital and they must do it in the third world. This will lead to
substantially increasing share of world technological rent for the third
world and narrowing the gap between rich countries and the third world.
This, at the same time, means rapidly raising income in the third world,
new political horizons and possibilities for the leftist parties and
convenient struggle conditions for the left of the rich countries.
There is no conflict with this strategy and the long-term goal of
marxists (abolishing value relations of production) .
First I would like to redefine the term "political right". All the
parties who obey the requirements of capital accumulation process must
be labeled as "right-wing". Here, it is difficult to define "the
requirements of capital accumulation process". I can find only one way
to define it: the historical-empirical level. For example, in today's
conditions, if you apply the policies of privatization, reduction in
government expenditures, narrowing the social security system etc., this
means you are right-wing. Because these are capital's demands in
today's world.
I think the main implication of this is about social democracy (SD) .
According to this definition SD must be considered as right-wing, if we
look it's historical experience. Here we have to distinguish between SD
of the rich countries the SD of the third world. The SD of rich
countries has shown three political stance up to now : a) nationalist
attitude in the eve of first world war, b) expansionary policies after
the second world war till 1970's ,c) new right policies during the era
which began early 1970's and still continue. The first one is not
directly economic, also it is so obvious that there is no need to
explain it. Let's try to interpret (b) and (c). There are clear
evidences that SD in rich countries obey the requirements of capital
accumulation process. During the so-called "golden age" of capitalism,
every government in rich countries almost did the same irrelevant ,
whether SD in power or not.
And during the era which began early 70's , again, every government in
rich countries almost has done the same irrelevant, whether SD in power
or not. Even in many countries SD's performance were worse than
conservatives. For example compare Kohl's Germany with Mitterand's
France, remember that Gonzales's Spain has the highest unemployment rate
in Europe etc. . As Marx said, the only think workers can do in a
contraction phase is, to slow down the cut in wages and employment. In
that context the era which began in early 70's can be interpreted as the
first real test of SD in rich countries and SD could no positive
contribution to the struggles of workers in that era.
Let's briefly mention the 'SD' of third world. I know no real SD in
the third world, that is no party which label itself as SD and bases on
working class. In other words, these are ' state parties' . This means
the interests of workers come after the interests of the state in their
list of privileges. In practice they always collaborate with IMF, big
capital and state. In my country SD is the partner of government and
they sign all the stabilization programs of IMF, which hit the working
class. So there is a political vacuum in the left. How can we
appreciate ourselves as marxists in the face of this reality. We
generally have stressed that our aim , as marxists ,as revolutionary
left, is to abolish the value relations of production. Other attempts
which deals to improve the material conditions of life of workers- that
is reformism- is the job of 'others' not ours. I think, especially in
the light of recent experience, this has become a barrier for us. From
on, I try to demonstrate the realities of the third world. The
requirements of the capital accumulation process (new right policies are
the policy application of this) leads to worsening of income
distribution in these countries. Here I limit myself with the countries
so-called newly industrialized countries (NIC's). This category
involves the most part of Latin America, Turkey, Egypt, some North
African countries and far-east. (I think India and China has so many
special features, that they deserves to be labeled under another
category) The worsening of income distribution pushed approximately half
of the population to poverty and unemployment and SD of these countries
pursue the new right policies
. At this point I would like to show the reader that there is
no possibility for abolishing the value relations of production in the
visible future. I take two phenomena as given : a) highly integrated
capitalist world economy, b) the existence of nation states.
This means that there is no room for 'socialist islands' in today's
world. I think it is obvious for everybody. Put aside other
theoretical debates, the world economy of today is so integrated that
an economic embargo which lasts few months is enough for an economic
catastrophe. ( May be it is possible to survive one or more year under
dictatorship. But this paper is written for the people who deny such a
solution) The only way seems to struggle with the world capitalism as a
whole. But such a struggle requires the unity of world workers. And it
is beyond sight too : 1) There are interest conflicts between the
workers of rich countries and the workers of the third world. 2) There
are interest conflicts between the workers aristocracy and the other
workers. 3) There are interest conflicts between the workers in job und
unemployed ones. 4) There are interest conflicts between unionized
workers and the others.
Another barrier for the unity of workers is, the growing income
differentials between workers. Marxian theorists try to refuse the
implications of these differences. They insists on that the workers has
a common ground that enough for their unity ; they are the people who
has nothing to sell except their labor powers. I could not understand
why do not they accept the reality everybody knows : If one has a
reasonable standards of living, other things being the same, this person
has no enough motive to upheaval the order. Today there are big income
differences between workers. There is substantial workers aristocracy
in rich countries.
Another strange view is about 'needs'. Marxian theorists claims that
under capitalism , production is for profits, not for human needs. May
be it is more correct to say that the production is for capital
accumulation under capitalism. But if you stop here, this statements
becomes an obstacle to see the other side of the coin. It is possible
under capitalism, as everybody knows, to redistribute the income in
favor of workers thanks to class struggle. As a result of this, some
capitalists must produce wage goods to earn profit. Moreover, the state
expenditures can be directed to areas which serves the 'needs' of
workers. Of course, under a mode of production , which not bases on
value relations of production, the life can be totally different. But
this is another level of debate. "Capitalists earn what they spend and
workers spend what they earn " Very interesting statement ... But the
reality that under capitalism workers can provide, at least some of
their 'needs', does not change when you say this interesting sentence.
The implications of the truth that these 'needs' are not 'real', are not
political, only theoretical for now.
So, I think everybody who believe the truth must accept that there is
no possibility in the near future to abolish the value relations of
production. Indeed, when we have read recent analysis of revolutionary
leftist, all the books are full of critical analysis and there is one
or two pages at the end of the books which try to show an alternative
way, such as self-organizing democratic organizations of workers, keep
away from the state etc. These are some ideal thoughts in the face of
today's realities.
Let me say some other realities of today :
1) There are 40 million people in USA and 12 million people in UK who
live under the poverty line
2) There are 35 million unemployed people in OECD (I think this is
3) Millions of people suffer famine and starvation in Africa
4) Hundred millions of people live under poverty in India and China
5) There is an attempt of genocide in Bosnia
6) 200 million people live under poverty line in Latin America, poor
children are killed by policeman in Brazil
7) Little girls are forced to sell their bodies in some far-east
And we , as marxist , watch TV and cry. Of course there is something
to do for them, but the activities other than to abolish value relations
of production directly, is the job of 'others' . But there are no
others and there is no possibility to abolish the value relations of
production in near future. So, what? Before to answer directly the
question, I must stress another feature of today's world : The class
struggle locked in everywhere due to the political stance of the
revolutionary leftists. Today, state and capital feel themselves good,
despite the apparent 'struggles ' of the left, because these are
struggles which have no threat to them. Protest against
privatizations, demonstrations, strikes etc., have no content which
involve the danger of change something.
Now, ask the question again. So, what ? The answer is, to struggle
for high-tech in third world, to manage the capital for this. In other
words, our aim must be to decrease, even to abolish the gap between rich
nations and the third world.
This is possible : let me refer to the experience of South Korea. This
country has proved empirically that to be a rich nation for a third
world country is possible. I think one crucial question remains despite
the enormous literature on the South Korea; How could a state behave as
if there was no pressure of any class on it? It seems to me this is the
essence of the Korean economic success. But this is not my problem
here. In the context of this paper, the implication of the experience
of South Korea is the theoretical proof of the possibility be a rich
nation of a third world country . And I think the NIC's has the
potential (infrastructure) of the pass or to adopt a production
structure bases on high-tech ; There are many universities in this
countries which has sufficient human resources, there are many educated
people such as electronics engineers, business managers, etc. They have
an industrial base which has important technological experience. They
have an infrastructure such as roads, nuclear plants, power facilities,
dams and technology transfer is easier today compare to the past. So,
If they put the production pattern bases on high-tech as the target for
themselves, they can do it. Let me try to explain how they can
transform their potentials to actual.
This is the point which left has to enter the scene, to compel the
capital to produce with high-tech for both domestic and world markets.
Here are some preliminary thoughts about the policies that must be
applied : 1) heavy taxation of monetary funds except the ones which
invested in production with high-tech, 2) financial and technical
support for production with high-tech, 3) rising real wages . I would
like to talk about this latter one ;
Bourgeois scientists has a double standard on this matter. On the one
hand they advice low wages to third world to become competitive in world
markets and they declare that their historical success in developing
technology depends on partly rising wages on the other. As to be
known, most of the investigations in economic history of the west has
shown us that it is the rising wages which forces capital to high-tech,
to atomization and mechanization. Their text books of economics tell
the same; if the more price of labor the more capital intensive the
Another dimension of the left's program must be to widen the social
security system and increase the expenditures for the workers and their
retirees. This means unemployment insurance, pension funds, hospitals,
schools etc. Now, how can this expenditures be financed? The money is
there, in NÝC's. For example, in my country there is a huge amount of
monetary funds, in the hands of some people. This funds are accumulated
as a result of low wage policies of right wing , revenues of tourism
sector , avoidance of tax, speculation, underground sector, unregistered
economy etc. The evidence to these monetary funds are luxury
expenditures, funds which are invested in foreign banks and
privatization revenues. Heavy taxation of these funds , decreasing of
military expenditures , decreasing of some subsidies and cut of some
credits , will be the sources of these funds.
I believe that some readers began to think "one more imperialist
country" That is , what will happen if every NIC's began to apply the
same strategy. This means, I think redistribution of world
technological rent between the rich countries and the third world. The
former becomes relatively poorer, the latter becomes relatively richer.
This is a solution for poverty and unemployment in the third world ,
this is a great mass support for left in the third world and as a
consequence of this, new opportunities for subsequent steps, this is a
convenient ground for the left of the rich countries (in other words,
the sleeping giant , The working class of the west will come to its own)
and this is a creation of objective conditions for the unity of the
workers of the world. Of course it is not easy to achieve the goal.
try to persuade you that the aim of the class struggle in the third
world must be this. The rest of it depends on the outcomes of these
struggles. First of all such a strategy requires a democratisation:
Open channel for the leftist parties , freedom of speech and
organization , more rights for trade unions etc. So this is, at the
same time , a struggle for democratization.